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  1. S

    New World Order lead by China, India, Russia

    Guy I' m a veteran of several wars. "I DON'T NEED TO POST ON THIS SITE." I post on defense forums, and discuss topics with people who have expertise on defense matters. Delete my account
  2. S

    New World Order lead by China, India, Russia

    http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com/2024/01/the-sky-is-falling.html https://www.focus.de/politik/ausland/gastbeitrag-von-gabor-steingart-neben-der-ukraine-ist-deutschland-der-groesste-verlierer-des-krieges_id_259559223.html https://twitter.com/OlgaBazova/status/1744067684470317204 That number is...
  3. S

    New World Order lead by China, India, Russia

    United States War College: Parameters https://press.armywarcollege.edu/parameters/vol53/iss3/7/ page 25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpAbkIh28Ok 20:52 This is why Western countries will not deployed large ground combat units to Ukraine...
  4. S

    New World Order lead by China, India, Russia

    The Russians have 20% of Ukraine's territory. Gen. Mark Milley has called Russia a militarily superpower. Vadym Prystaiko comments about Ukraine's war dead numbers in April got him fired, not his comments about Zelenskyy. China and the U.S. have many problems. China population size will give...
  5. S

    New World Order lead by China, India, Russia

    Guy they already got about 20% of Ukraine. Ukraine has over $ 1 Trillion worth of infrastructure damage. The West sustained Ukraine to this point,, but Russia is holding back its forces till the Ukrainian Military crumbles from its war loses...
  6. S

    New World Order lead by China, India, Russia

    https://twitter.com/admcollingwood/status/16161614706344100049 Russia is much bigger than what US politicians state in dollar terms. PPP is much better measurement of real GDP than nominal GDP. By 2060 China's economy in PPP terms is projected to be almost 3 to 1 to the US...
  7. S

    China - The Rise of Totalitarian Capitalism

    Russia is a very conservative country, and Western NGOs have been kicked out of the country. The Russia Military is the Russian peoples' military, western friendly Russian liberals will pay a hard price in the future. Russian unemployment numbers are not high. The Russians have over $580 billion...
  8. S

    China - The Rise of Totalitarian Capitalism

    The only legal sanctions according to International Law are UN Security Council appointed sanctions. China will surpass the combines West by itself in the next few decades. The Chinese would be even militarily with the US; they purchased Russian nuclear sub technology. Chinese nuclear sub tech...
  9. S

    Top Militaries Today and the Future

    https://mobile.twitter.com/ArmyMadSci/status/1222595310150615041 https://thebulletin.org/2020/02/russia-killed-arms-control-why-does-it-want-to-keep-new-start/ https://www.defensenews.com/opinion/commentary/2019/05/03/russian-defense-spending-is-much-larger-and-more-sustainable-than-it-seems/...
  10. S

    Why does Vladimir Putin Prefer Trump?

    Russia is not a poor country. Australia and Norway are as depend on natural resources as Russia. Bazhenov Formation has massive amount of tight oil reserves that easily atleast double natural resource value of russia. The Russians say with current technology there is 123 to 400 billion barrels...
  11. S


    https://nltimes.nl/2019/05/31/malaysian-pm-doubts-russias-involvement-mh17-nl-wants-explanation I want to see evidence like Malaysian PM.
  12. S

    Top Militaries Today and the Future

    https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/14/us/politics/defense-strategy-china-russia-.html I have been saying the same things for years, expect we want win a war in europe. We only have 10 active sbct teams and 2 will be added over the next very years (1080 tanks). The 1st Guards Tank Army may have...
  13. S

    Here We Go Again

    https://twitter.com/search?q=Selva%20low%20yield&src=typed_query Paul Selva is an expert on air defenses. Russia idas has many toys that are exported. The Skripals case has a ton holes since novichok is more deadly than VX. The British government blames Russia because it's of a weapons...
  14. S

    Top Militaries Today and the Future

    I just realized the Algerian military is really powerful. JCPOA five year offensive arms embargo was must for the West. The U. S Is the only country in Nato that beat Algerian in a one on one conflict. The Iranians will buy a ton weapons from the Russians once the embargo is lifted. The...
  15. S

    Beautiful galaxy and space thread

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3aBOhC1c6m8 Isaac Arthur is best in explaining space issues. Isaac's videos are top notch.
  16. S

    Zulu King: Blacks Destroyed South Africa

    France and U. K. we're going win WWI because of their colonial manpower. We just gave them a major boost by entering the war. Africa suffered greatly during the war. The African countries have been free well over 50 plus years. But the Afghans have had a ton support from the U.S. (the richest...
  17. S

    Top Militaries Today and the Future

    https://mobile.twitter.com/PaperMissiles/status/963128222991966209 Moore is conservative commentator who knows countering Russia and China with conventional forces is basically financially impossible. The Pentagon has made a ton mistakes procuring new weapons systems. China and Russia are...
  18. S

    Top Militaries Today and the Future

    https://www.sinodefenceforum.com/navy.f9/ http://defenceforumindia.com/forum/s/indian-navy.10/ It's not 2003 anymore China and Russia are strong powers now. China has seen the greatest financial growth of major economy without war driving growth in history, so who knows how strong China will...
  19. S

    Top Militaries Today and the Future

    https://twitter.com/russian_defence?lang=en This Twitter account is run a pro Western Russian. It has English translation on Russian new article ship involving the Russian military.
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    Top Militaries Today and the Future

    China's ranking proves my statements about that most of their govt. spending is going to infa projects. China's still has hundreds of millions of unemployed citizens.
  21. S

    Top Militaries Today and the Future

  22. S

    Top Militaries Today and the Future

  23. S

    Top Militaries Today and the Future

    http://carnegieendowment.org/2018/01/25/rethinking-danger-of-escalation-russia-nato-military-balance-pub-75346 https://www.defenceiq.com/air-land-and-sea-defence-services/articles/russian-strategy-and-the-evolving-anti-accessarea
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    Top Militaries Today and the Future

  25. S

    Top Militaries Today and the Future

    We are number one military for now. The Chinese military build is massive, but the vast majority of the Chinese government budget goes to infrastructure projects. After all you can't drink water from the water faucet in China. We have 11 carriers but don't have enough Carrier wings to operate...
  26. S

    Top Militaries Today and the Future

    https://www.globalfirepower.com/countries-listing.asp The top 4 militaries will stay the same for Decades will change positions in ranking (atleast the next 30 years) The top four will trade positions. United States- Hear's a paragraph, I got from a defense forum which I'm a member. "Not...
  27. S

    Russia violates treaty, Trump do not responds

    https://www.state.gov/t/avc/rls/2017/276360.htm#.Wiram4FmXQA.twitter The U.S. government cames the Aegis Ashore uses a different launcher than the Mark 41. If the launchers are different, then show the observable differences the to Russians. The Russians have 2 Battalions of SSC-X-8 (SSC-8)...
  28. S

    2017/2018 NCAA Football Thread

    Well, Jimbo is very good friends with several of our underperforming coaches, so the players have quit on Jimbo. Our DC Charles Kelly, should've been fired last year, but he's Jimbo buddy, so he kept on the staff. Teams like NC State, Wake Forest, BC, Syracuse, and Miami, have improved but our...
  29. S

    Bowe Bergdahl to be charged with desertion

    Bergdahl is not a civilian, the Articles 118 and 119 are broad enough for Bergdahl, to be charged with something under those articles. If the court martial scenario happened their would be a court martial, and not a plea deal.
  30. S

    Bowe Bergdahl to be charged with desertion

    The U. S. military has not charged him with murder. Go lookup the average number days troops are in combat Afghanistan? The only way murder charge would stick, was if troops got killed rescuing Bergdahl. The Pentagon knows a military court of experienced combat veterans would not buy anything...
  31. S

    Bowe Bergdahl to be charged with desertion

    Guy, You acted like you're a modern day Rambo on this forum. But you are a lair, and Bergdahl may have more combat experience than you, so be quiet! He's getting some type of deal because this process has been protracted for a concrete case of desertion.
  32. S

    2017/2018 NCAA Football Thread

    I congratulate Miami for their victory. Jimbo really doesn't have any excuses in 2018. Our starter and backup QBs will have atleast one season experience. Fisher is just a to conserative coach expect for 2013 and 2014 seasons. We had to get more than 3 points in the first half. Clemson
  33. S

    2017/2018 NCAA Football Thread

    We have a true freshman playing QB. The refs had NC State that game like Clemson last year. We have played one toughest early schedules in the country. Miami has looked good, but Duke missed 4 long balls for touchdowns in their meeting, and averaged will over 5 yards a carry on the ground.
  34. S

    Russia violates treaty, Trump do not responds

    http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/russias-dangerous-nuclear-forces-are-back-19442 (The guy's argument on the Mark 41 vls is on a Baghdad Bob level.) SSC-X-8 (SSC-8) The U.S. missile defense system in Europe uses Strike length Mark 41 vls. Those vls can also launch tomahawk cruise...
  35. S

    The Trump Presidency

    https://twitter.com/KenDilanianNBC/status/832014426047909890 Left leaning news organizations need tone down on the rhetoric. The Republicans have to launch investigations into the Trump's dealings with Russia.
  36. S

    Report: Russia considering returning Edward Snowden to the U.S.

    The Siloviki as a group is much more Anti-Western than Putin. They don't like it when Putin calls the West his partners. Most people in Russia, think the Siloviki know were the bodies are buried, and Putin will not dare cross them.
  37. S

    U. S.Nuclear Forces rearmament programs

    SSC-X-8 (SSC-8) The U.S. missile defense system in Europe uses Strike length Mark 41 vls. Those vls can also launch tomahawk cruise missile. The strike length Mark 41 vls are a violation under the INF Treaty. The article below does not mention the U. S. violation of the INF Treaty...
  38. S

    Gulf Cooperation Council launches attacks in Yemen

    The population of Houthi areas would be totally against U. S. combat troops. We would win every major engagement, but that would come with massive losses.
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    U. S.Nuclear Forces rearmament programs

  40. S

    Russia's Future and Past

    https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/russia-fsu/2016-12-25/russias-post-soviet-journey?cid=soc-tw-rdr Dmitri Trenin is one the best Russian commentators about Post Soviet Russia.
  41. S

    Gulf Cooperation Council launches attacks in Yemen

    http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/foreign-policy/311671-why-the-al-sauds-may-be-preparing-for-a-real-war The U. S. media is not reporting on Yemen. The number of battle hardened combatants the Saudis are facing in Yemen, would be hell for the U. S. military.
  42. S

    2016/2017 NCAA Football Thread

    Guy, Iowa is never going to win a championship in my life time, so call yourself dumb for posting about your irreverent favorite team.
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    2016/2017 NCAA Football Thread

    Jimbo Fisher has become unhinged the last few weeks. The UNC loss was primary on Fisher; he to conservative on offensive drives. He kicked 3 straight long field goals when his kicker missed long field goal in practice. Fisher was lying to reporters about FSU being within of stopping UL and UNC...
  44. S

    U. S.Nuclear Forces rearmament programs

    The Russian are building 8 Borei class submarines. The Russians build a new class of SSBN and SLBM when they need to starting replacing Delta IV class.
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    U. S.Nuclear Forces rearmament programs

  46. S

    2016/2017 NCAA Football Thread

    Louisville is leading FSU by 39, I thought Clemson could do this after reviewing of the Ole Miss game film. Clemson has elite level talent at every position on offensive. This will be the worst lost in FSU football history. Louisville went after the FSU defense weak links they saw on film.
  47. S

    2016/2017 NCAA Football Thread

    Ole Miss is kicking our a**es during the first half. Ole Miss isn't during anything special, our all world talent looks like it is unprepared for this game. Charles Kelly need to tell his defense ignore the score, cut the BS, play fundamental football and see what happens.
  48. S

    U. S.Nuclear Forces rearmament programs

    China will become a superpower. The Chinese government like the Russian government own all their major defense companies. Both countries built military equipment at much cheaper coast than the U. S. The rate Chinese can build major military vessels is scary. PLAN Type 052D destroyer are being...
  49. S

    U. S.Nuclear Forces rearmament programs

    https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/USNuclearModernization Trident II D5 is projected stay in service for over 50 years. The D5 needs to be replaced in the 5 to 10 years, but we have to many large, and expense defense programs in coming the decades.