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Search results

  1. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    OCSM of the Week 2017

    Congratulations to my lovely wife and all of her spectacularly edible parts! :yummie:
  2. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    OCSM of the Week 2017

    I quite love your butt. And the rest of you. But also your butt. :drool2: And I shall obviously vote for Harley Spencer. :D
  3. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    OCSM of the Week 2016

    I feel like I'm getting some mixed messages here... He should wish. You're a lovely woman, and an awesome wife, and all pretty and stuffs. :o Yay! :banger:
  4. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    OCSM of the Week 2016

    I do. And I shall. And I am. See? You did. And I'm here. And I'm doing that. Obviously I shall vote for my lovely wife, Mrs. Harley Spencer-HappyJoyJoy. :D (We totally need to start hyphenating that last name...)
  5. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    OCSM of the Week 2016

    I shall vote for Harley. Obviously. :)
  6. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Has the FreeOnes Board become obsolete?

    It's not #1, the drop off started before that. And it's not limited to OCSMs. A lot of the regular members who used to actually have discussions with the models have left too. It's been a slow process, but it's been happening for awhile now. Part of the problem is #3. And I actually think the...
  7. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Conning models on the Internet

    Two things, first... So... let me see if I can if I can figure out your problem... You bought a girl (or possibly several by the sounds of it) stuff off their wishlists. And they don't love you now. And you think they should. I guess because you figure you're a nice guy, and thus you've...
  8. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    OCSM of the Week 2016

    Firstly, I shall vote for Harley. Secondly, that is my penis.
  9. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    I am now shooting hardcore! Take a peak!

    I think I now understand why a lot of actors and male models shave to the bone. I swear I'm not that hairy. Maybe it's the perspective. Maybe it's the lighting. Or maybe the old saying is true and the camera adds ten pounds, and it just happens all ten of those pounds are hair. :dunno:
  10. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Average Intelligence

    Generally when people think of "average" they think of something unexceptional, but also not something inferior or inadequate. They think of some kind of middle ground. Which raise the question: Do you think "average intelligence" is actually anywhere near a "middle ground"? An average, after...
  11. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    >>>> Dual Contests! Photo Caption and Quiz to Win Memberships to Harley Spencer!

    Because one of your favorite hobbies is screaming, "My eyes! My eyes! Why God, why did I ask for this!? My poor bleeding eyes!"
  12. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    OCSM of the Week 2015

    And of course I will vote for Harley as well... (don't everyone act all shocked)
  13. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    FreeOnes Exclusive Interview with Harley Spencer (Part 2)

    I did. You totally said nice things about me. :) Not surprising I'd enjoy talking to you though, as you're really nice and an awesome and interesting person. (Also yummy :drool2:)
  14. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    OCSM of the Week 2015

    I shall vote for Harley. :)
  15. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    McDonald's To Start All-Day Breakfast

    I give precisely zero shits about getting an Egg McMuffin past breakfast, and the exact same number for getting them during breakfast in fact. Want to impress me McDonalds? Let me get a fucking burger at 7am... you're a fucking burger joint after all, give us all-day burgers. Oh, and McRibs...
  16. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Jenna's a fattie...

    If that were even close to true you'd be alone and unemployable. Assuming of course you aren't alone and unemployable...
  17. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Jenna's a fattie...

    You must be new (you aren't... and yet you must be). Harley's always been fairly prone to speak her mind, and has taken a fair amount of shit over the years for it. It's one of the reasons I love her. Uh... because of the mind speaking, not the shit taking. And yeah, creating unnecessary...
  18. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Size of tits going down or am I looking at the wrong sites ??

    Got a lot of folks with implants in this section here... knock yourself out at the feminine goodness. :coolthumb:
  19. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    OCSM of the Week 2015

    I am also, obviously, voting for Harley. :D Also... ... not exactly the best word ever. I don't think there's a woman breathing who appreciates that one.
  20. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Porn models, sex in scene and real life

    No... you pretended to ask for thoughts and opinions, but you already knew completely well what you thought, and you had already decided that everyone who disagreed with you was wrong, and when people responded, you passed judgement, as seen here: This was never meant to be a discussion, it...
  21. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Porn models, sex in scene and real life

    Take off the tinfoil hat. Where did I threaten to close the topic? The only threats issued here are by you against a hypothetical girlfriend. And no, I won't. I don't wish to close the topic, and don't have the authority to do so without a violation of the rules, of which there are none. I...
  22. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Model Mayhem

    It's a networking site, not a porn site. The pictures are blocked to those not in the industry with an applicable profile. They are available for those who are supposed to be seeing them, free of charge and secrecy. And you HAVE created a profile to express yourself HERE, thus you have as much...
  23. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Model Mayhem

    So then I assume you'll now post a fully naked picture of yourself with your full name, phone number, address, Facebook page link, and other assorted personal information so we can all see it, as you would be a hypocritical coward to suggest such a thing while hiding behind the anonymity of the...
  24. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Porn models, sex in scene and real life

    Hmm, after consulting with my porn model gf the impeccably yummy Ms. Harley Spencer (:drool1:), it turns out I may have been slightly insulting. However, due to the topic creator also being insulting and due to my remarks being incredibly accurate I think I shall let them stand.
  25. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Porn models, sex in scene and real life

    Quality sex?... Bad? So non-anal sex is bad and of low quality? This makes me think two things... First, you're basically saying you don't like womens' vaginas. Second, since you don't like vaginas, and think only anal is good and only butts make for quality sex... maybe you should consider...
  26. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Porn models, sex in scene and real life

    As opposed to you expecting a woman, during her most intimate and personal moments (which are not the kind of stuff that happens on screen) to do something she doesn't enjoy, and may actually cause her pain which totally shows her how much you care, right? You will not. What happens on...
  27. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Porn models, sex in scene and real life

    Dear Topic Creator, If you were dating a stuntwoman, would you think it your God-given right to break a chair over her head every time you got the urge? Sincerely, Mr. Happy HappyJoyJoy P.S. ... Google pegging, as I think this will solve a lot of your problems.
  28. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    What's The Worst Fast Food Chain In America?

    Arby's. I remember, prior to ever eating from there, thinking it looked pretty good in the commercials. Decided to try it one day. Ordered a few things to see what I might like... and they all ended up in the trash. :(
  29. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    If you were a superhero, what would be your power and outfit?

    Okay, so apparently after consulting with Harley... Giant Foot sucks. So.... how about... The Mighty Badger! I'd dress in black and white and be all ornery and not give a fuck!
  30. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    If you were a superhero, what would be your power and outfit?

    :weeping: :bawling: Okay, okay... how abooout... I could be Giant Foot. I'd be like a Big Foot, but way, way taller. :D I would of course have super strength, and an unlimited supply of beef jerky. Because apparently the sasquatch are somehow involved with jerky.
  31. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    If you were a superhero, what would be your power and outfit?

    I would be... Normal Guy. My outfit would be jeans and a shirt. I would totally blend into the crowd, it would be almost like being entirely invisible, which is totally like a superpower. Have you been rummaging through my closet for ideas...?
  32. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    What's Better: Apples Or Oranges?

    Anyone who truly loves freedom and democracy knows that oranges are better and that apples are for dirty communists and socialists.
  33. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Jessie Rogers(Rt) Exposes Horrible Porn Abuses

    Hey poster, I'm just saying your argument is terrible. That's just a fact. Like you've said she's worked in a different part of the industry. Key thing there? PART OF the industry, not the whole thing, thus scale is irrelevant. When someone tries to paint the entire industry in a certain light...
  34. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    OCSM of the Week 2015

    I am voting for Harley Spencer! Obviously. Because she's awesome.
  35. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Jessie Rogers(Rt) Exposes Horrible Porn Abuses

    A quick Google tells me that the porn industry is about a 15 billion dollar a year industry. Another quick Google tells me that Brazzers, pretty much the biggest name in the industry, makes about 15 million a year. So Brazzers represents about... 0.1% of the industry according to it's revenue...
  36. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Am I The Only One Who Unscrews The Cap On Black Pepper To Use It At A Restaurant?

    She's not kidding. When she has, say, spaghetti she forms a small mountain of cheese on it, mixes that in, then forms a second small mountain of cheese before eating. I think she ends up with more cheese than sauce, noodles and meat combined.... :D
  37. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    The Other Black Dude From Walking Dead Arrested for DUI And Marijuana Possession

    No, the "other black guy" is Bob. The other other black guy is T-Dog. The other other other black guy is Morgan. The other other other other black guy is Oscar. You mean the other other other other other black guy. The black guy (sans "other") is, of course, Michonne. Kidding! It's Tyresse. ;)
  38. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Butt crack-poll

    Harley's butt crack has a tendency to occasionally creep out in public. I'm more than happy to smile and stare when it does... :D
  39. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    OCSM of the Week 2015

    Harley for me as well! :)
  40. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Am I the only one who thinks the current black girl weave/wig/fake straight hair era is disgusting?

    Probably a reaction to your thinly veiled misogyny and egotism. You paint women as liars because they want to improve their appearance, then go on to excuse the methods they use which men do as well. Don't try and tell me men don't try to just as much. There are entire industries based around...
  41. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    The Official Harley Spencer Discussion Thread! (AMA)

    Harley + Hat = Yum. :drool2:
  42. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Am I the only one who thinks the current black girl weave/wig/fake straight hair era is disgusting?

    Uh... doesn't seem that way. If he's saying he doesn't like racial stereotypes I don't think he'd be posting pics from a blaxploitation film and following it with, "Black women look so much more attractive with their own natural hair." And that's certainly not what BusterLoads is saying. And...
  43. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Does anyone else on here think that $29.99 a month for a membership is just a little bit too much?

    Pretty sure the people making the adult stuff you whack off to have bills too. If the consumer base isn't paying them do you think most of them will still be making that stuff for you to slap the ol' bishop around to? Probably not. Consider for a moment the number of sites out there, and the...
  44. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    OCSM of the Week 2015

    I shall nominate Harley Spencer. :D
  45. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    Am I the only one who thinks the current black girl weave/wig/fake straight hair era is disgusting?

    No, there really isn't. Not only isn't there a big difference, there isn't any difference. Either way you're altering your appearance to look different than you would normally. Extensions isn't any more deceiving than hair dye... someone who bleaches their hair isn't any blonder than a person...
  46. HappyHapyJoyJoy

    OCSM of the Week 2014

    I am voting for Harley Spencer! (obviously) :D