Exclusive interview with Diamond James

25 mai 2009, par admin-fx

Diamond James

Diamond James gives an exclusive interview to Freeones where she answers some very interesting questions about what it’s like for her working in the adult industry…

What led you into the porn business?
I was always extremely fascinated by porn and the adult industry as a whole. I’m surfing/joining adult sites constantly. I was and still am the biggest pervert ever! But if you can believe it I am actually super shy in person. So I started out doing phone sex for a few different companies until I realized “Um I can do this is myself and keep all the profits!” lol so I started my own phone sex operation from my apartment. I guess you could say I moved along with technology once webcams started becoming popular. I was a webcam girl before I even started my site! And when I initially launched my site I only had a voyeur cam and performed scheduled member cam shows. Now my site has freakin everything…HD videos, Hi-rez photos, FIVE 24/7 voyeur cams, forum, bonus feeds, and of course I’m still doing my cam shows 😉

What did you do before this?
I worked at my local grocery store as a cashier and also manned the customer service counter there which definitely trained me to deal with the sometimes not-so-nice general public.

Do you only do work for your own site, or do you do shoots for other companies?
I work full-time running my own site and loving every moment!

Are you open about your profession, or are there people you would rather not know?
I’m very open with what I do in most situations. I prefer not to keep secrets and if someone doesn’t like me because I’m in the adult industry, it’s best to know now and not waste my time with close-minded people.

What’s the best part of your job? The worst?
It’s an amazing feeling to be in control of your destiny. I love running my site on my own. There are times when I wish I had someone to do the boring technical work for me so I can just sit there and look pretty but at the end of the day I can’t stand being told what to do.

Are there any funny moments you’d like to share with our readers?
I’m always laughing so it’s hard to think of one.

Do you have plans for doing anything else in the adult industry? Such as hardcore work?
I’d love to do a layout or cover in a major adult magazine. I also wouldn’t mind doing solo or girl/girl scenes for one of the big companies out there to get an official “screen credit”. And I just want to keep doing what I’m doing and continually give my members the best homemade porn videos to whack to hehe.

Has anything embarrassing happened to you while you’re working?
The most embarassing thing that happened to me in a cam show was when I was peforming a private 1on1 with someone and I was on a chair and turned around and leaned over to stick my butt out and the chair toppled over on top of me. He goes “are you ok?” and I said “No I’m not. I have to go” LMAO. I cried when I hung up the phone.

How does it make you feel knowing that there are guys out there who get pleasure looking at your work?
It makes me feel great! I love making other people happy. Bringing a smile to someone’s face is very rewarding, especially a smile induced by orgasm!

Did you ever watch porn before you decided to start working in the industry?
All the time! Watching porn made me want to get into the industry 😉

Where was your first kiss?
I can’t remember where it happened but I remember feeling kind of disgusted because the guy used too much tongue. For a few years after that I thought I might be a lesbian!

What scares you?
Sharks and Alligators. But I like to face my fears. I go snorkeling and scuba diving all the time. I often dream of overpowering sharks and alligators LOL.

What is the last movie you watched?
Monsters v. Aliens

Do you have any pets?
I have a fat kitty cat (female) and her name is Lori. She has FIV but she’s the best and sweetest cat I’ve ever had. I also have a miniature bulldog named Chewy and her nickname is “The Train”.

What kind of hobbies do you have?
I love to cook! And I’ve been told I’m very good at it 🙂 Eating is the most pleasurable thing to me besides sex. I also love to read autobiographies, true crime, and educational books (like science mixed with some humor)

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Pee, make myself a cup of coffee, and take my dog outside. Very exciting I know!

If you could have any magical power, what would it be? Why?
Time travel. Well, it sounds fabulous in theory but we’ve all seen “Back to the Future” so that might not be a good idea.

What annoys you the most?
Letting someone annoy me lol. I try not to allow a negative person free rent in my brain.

Is there anything else you would like the FreeOnes visitors to know about you?
I love performing live cam shows so come see me sometime!

Check out the official Diamond James website!

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