FreeOnes October 2022 Update

4 de octubre de 2022, por Petra

Hello everyone! September went by like a blur, can’t believe it’s October already! But, here we are and it’s time to let you know what’s been going on with FreeOnes!

FreeOnes News Section

FreeOnes News

At the very beginning of September we added the FreeOnes News section to the site. This is where we will be bringing you updates about the site such as new features! We’ll also tell you what to expect, new things you can spend your credits on, new babes, and so on!

We’ll also be publishing porn news, we’ll get interviews going again, and what ever else we can think of to post that YOU would find interesting!

In the near future if we talk about a certain babe, channel or category the news item should also show up in their feeds! So that’s pretty exciting!

Make sure to comment below if there’s something specific you’d like to see here!

FreeOnes Premium Photos and Videos

The next thing we’ve been working on all September and now October, and will hopefully release very soon, is FreeOnes Premium.

Remember the old myFreeOnes galleries? We’re bringing those back to the website. Now that we have more flexibility we’ll also be able to add videos to the offering and maybe even GIFs!

Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself, maybe I should explain what I’m talking about!

What was myFreeOnes Galleries?

On the old website we had a password protected section of the site called myFreeOnes. This was where FreeOnes members could collect credits and go buy full galleries.

Premium content is replacing the old idea with a new, more flexible one! And, instead of only photo galleries, this time we’ll also have videos available for purchase!

What is FreeOnes Premium Content?

The concept is more or less the same, just updated to the current times. We will have photo sets and videos available for members to purchase with their credits!

Unlike the old myFreeOnes area, all of the premium content will be available for anyone to find regardless of their membership status. If you’re logged out, you’ll be prompted to log in. If you’re logged in you’ll get a flyout telling you the price of the photo or video and at that point you can choose to purchase it.

How Much Will Premium Photo Sets and Videos Cost?

To start with, pricing will be set by how many photos are in a set or how long a video is. We’ll most likely have to tweak things in the days and weeks after release until we’re satisfied!

Of course, we wouldn’t be creating a product where we can’t set custom pricing, like 0 credit photos or videos, or offer exclusive discounts.

How Do I Get Credits to Purchase Premium Content?

Great question! There’s 2 ways to get credits!

I will do a post about all the different ways to earn credits soon and link it here!

FreeOnes Platinum Membership

Another thing that will release at the exact same time as the premium photos and videos is the last membership, FreeOnes Platinum.

In this membership you will get:

  • Everything from previous memberships
  • 1,000 credits a month instead of 250 (silver) or 500 (gold)
  • Access to ALL of the premium content in the library for the length of your membership

So that’s right, all of the content everyone else has to purchase with credits, Platinum members will have access immediately!

FreeOnes Feedback Section

FreeOnes Feedback

Also last month we released the FreeOnes Feedback section. This is where any logged in member (regardless of membership) can post a new idea, feature request, or ask for help with the website.

You can read more about that feature here.

What is Coming in October 2022?

Besides Premium Content?

  • We’re working on a new and improved menu for the website. Currently it’s waaay too long!
  • Onboarding 2 new developers (will probably take the rest of October to get them up to speed!)
  • Adding some improvements to the FreeOnes Discount page

It’s my hopes that in November and December we can start working on not only updating the babe biography pages, but we can start working on allowing OCSMs (official checked star members) to start taking over their FreeOnes profiles!

Weekly Site Updates

If you’d like to see what we’re working on, please check out the FreeOnes Update Section of the forum.

Here you’ll see what features, bug fixes or improvements we’re making in our 2 week sprints!

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