Erotic Heritage Museum Wants Trump’s Cock

8. März 2016, von Steve


Photo courtesy of Business Insider UK

While the rest of the world looks on aghast to the fact that there’s a good possibility that Donald Trump might actually end up becoming the most powerful man on the planet (ffs America, seriously), the Erotic Heritage Museum’s interest in the stupidly coiffured billionaire is in something rather more phallic.

AVN reports that the museum, located in Las Vegas, has invited Trump to have his penis stored in the museum once he shuffles of this mortal coil after recent boasting in a live debate that he was of much greater than adequate size in that department (ffs America, seriously).

He hasn’t as yet commented on the invitation, presumably too busy being told to fuck off by Vicente Fox, but I’m fairly sure he will soon in between all his other important duties, such as refusing to comment on same sex marriages.

Ffs America. Seriously.

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