Japanese Porn Group Admits ‘Porn Coercion’ Claims

24. Juni 2016, von Steve

In what is a pretty major story that is likely to lead a much needed shake-up of the Japanese porn industry, the BBC reports that The Intellectual Property Promotion Association has issued an official apology for accusations that women have been forced to commit sex acts on film.

The Japanese porn industry has been under the spotlight for several months as a result of such claims and for a company to come forward and voluntarily apologise for such instances is a huge development.

With more such accusations likely to come forward in the coming weeks, it has also shed a spotlight on wider issues in Japanese society, such as the treatment of women in general and has even cast doubts on the criminal justice system.

As someone who has always enjoyed Japanese porn, it really has left me somewhat doubtful as to whether I will be able to enjoy it in the same way again.

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