Rashida Jones Talks On Porn Again

28. Januar 2017, von Steve

The actress Rashida Jones, who was responsible for the controversial anti-porn documentary Hot Girls Wanted, has made further comments about the porn industry in an interview with Refinery29.

While that documentary was a polemic that really did not have any interest in being balanced, her comments in this interview seem a lot more even-handed and fair.

That said, while she talks about things we would all like to see, such as workers’ rights and protection for all women working in porn, to suggest that porn can’t play a part in sex education is muddled thinking. Of course it can, if used in the right way. (Phentermine)

Also, we must get out of this way of thinking that it is only women who are in danger of being exploited by the industry – men, especially in the gay porn sector, are just as at risk.

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