50 Cent In Trouble Over Sex Tape Publication

18 de junio de 2015, por Steve


The rapper 50 Cent, who some of you may have heard of, is currently in the middle of legal proceedings which may see him fork out millions of dollars to a woman for publishing her sex tape on his official website.

In a frankly bizarre case, he poses in a wig at the start of a 30 second clip of the tape, featuring plaintiff Lastonia Leviston, mocking fellow rapper Rick Ross, who fathered a child with Leviston.

However, she said the tape was private and she did not authorise its use on 50 Cent’s site and so she’s suing him for a sum of money that will probably be pocket change to him.

I notice this article refers to him as “Fitty”. I thought his nickname was Fiddy? (www.newportworldresorts.com) I’m so in touch with popular culture, as you can see.

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