Hulk Hogan Drops The Big Leg On Gawker Over Sex Tape

18 de junio de 2015, por Steve


Hulk Hogan may be a real American who loves to fight for the rights of every man, but there’s one many that is an exception to his wonderful theme song, and he is Nick Denton.

Denton is the CEO of Gawker, and his site is in big trouble if Hogan succeeds in suing his company for a reported $100 million after it, without permission, published a clip from Hogan’s quite frankly horrifying sex tape back in 2012.

According to Fusion, the case is an important one. Firstly, because Gawker would not be able to pay up if it lost, meaning the company would essentially be put out of business. But secondly, it could have profound consequences if they win, meaning that it could give carte blanche to companies and websites to published much more unauthorised footage and content.

So, whatcha gonna do, brother, when a website doesn’t get permission to put up a clip of a sex video starring YOU?

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