Why Porn Surveys Should Be Treated With Caution

30 de enero de 2016, por Steve

Thanks to the always awesome Violet Blue for tweeting about this outstanding article in The Huffington Post about why scientific analysis of porn viewing patterns should always be accompanied by the brain in first gear.

This is such an important article. Porn, as much as anything else, is prone to sensational headlines by its very nature. If a scientist or researcher discovers something negative relating to porn consumption, then you can guarantee the tabloid media will be all over it like a rash.

But porn is a vast and complicated landscape. There’s so much of it out of so many different types. Everyone has their own preferences and kinks and hang-ups. People can be in moods for certainly things at certain times they may not be in the mood for the most of the rest of the time.

Porn surveys always need to be in-depth and challenging to those who undertake them for us to get the full picture when it comes to the results. I think Jodie Baer has written an incredibly important, well written and well sourced article here and it certainly deserves a read by everyone.

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