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Search results

  1. Bluejaye

    TV Disney+ Star Wars Shows (Mandalorian, BoBF, Bad Batch, etc)

    Moderators, how do you report for misuse of the English language? Talent isn't the word for what's going on with the Acolyte.:D
  2. Bluejaye

    What is the greatest single TV episode of all time.....?

    I'll see that and raise you with: Abyssinia Henry with it's gut punch ending.
  3. Bluejaye

    TV Disney+ Star Wars Shows (Mandalorian, BoBF, Bad Batch, etc)

    You're dodging a bullet there. I watched the first two episodes and they were dodgy at best and the quality nosedived from there. It's almost funny how bad it's gotten. Almost if it wasn't for the fact that they've crapped on pretty much everything that was made before the Acolyte. To...
  4. Bluejaye

    what game are you playing right now?

    I've tried Outer Worlds on the PS4. I really should restart it at some point, started playing then got distracted by something else. Probably WoW, Star Trek Online or Star Wars (before I quit). I had a look at Accension. Sorry to say, private server WoW doesn't appeal.
  5. Bluejaye

    What is the latest BAD film you watched?

    Blue Beetle. The "hero" and his family spent a fair chunk of the movie incoherently screaming. The comic relief character played by George Lopez was everything but funny, while the good guys all appeared to be some variation on a stereotypical South American living in the USA. Right down to...
  6. Bluejaye

    Best NON-nude

    Number two looks like it could be Sarena Banks.
  7. Bluejaye

    Damages for slaves

    And how "clever" are the people who fall for it?
  8. Bluejaye

    Rocked up versions of songs

    No music thread so I thought this thread could sneak in here as an unpaying lodger for a bit. I thought I'd create a thread dedicated to those rocked up versions of "quieter" songs by posting a few I've come across in my travels online. Has anyone found others of a suitably high quality?
  9. Bluejaye

    what game are you playing right now?

    Not ashamed of playing WoW. I still play retail, classic and occasionally Season of Discovery. Just sad that I fell for the Plunderstorm and will probably be falling for the upcoming "special" Mists of Pandaria timewalking event. You are right though. It's not the same, way too much focus on...
  10. Bluejaye

    Best NON-nude

    That first one looks like it's either AI or a major photoshop fail. Look at "her" hand. That is one weird looking thumb.
  11. Bluejaye

    what game are you playing right now?

    To my everlasting shame, I am playing the Plunderstorm event in Warcraft. A PvP'ish grind for mounts, toys pets and pretty armour. 🙁
  12. Bluejaye

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    I watched the Beekeeper the other day. Usual Jason Statham fare, but still pretty good.
  13. Bluejaye

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Oh, now there's a thought. Someone should go all epic anime on the whole odyssey saga.
  14. Bluejaye

    breast implant scars

    All over the internet. I'm betting on almost every website you join, you'll find many, many pictures with implant scars. Although, I do admit to wondering why? I'm trying not to be judgemental, but it is a "different" thing to be looking for.
  15. Bluejaye

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    It was OK, could have done with less of the "Strong female lead" hype though.
  16. Bluejaye

    Prime Time Teasers Playoffs

    Split view.
  17. Bluejaye

    Fans of wrestling thread

    It's in some of the UK papers and all over Twitter. Looks like he's gone.
  18. Bluejaye

    Movies Movie you were excited to watch, but it was a bit......

    What movie or movies were you looking forward to seeing, but when you finally did, you found them to be a bit of a let down? I'll start with the Equalizer 3. I was looking forward to another instalment like part 1 and 2, but I and my brother found the third instalment to be a bit meh. He's...
  19. Bluejaye

    What is the latest good TV series you have watched?

    Justified, so far. I've watched season one and I'm part way through season two. Taking my time with it so I don't hit the I'm fed up with this stage from binge watching. Doing the same thing with Grimm. Watch a couple of episodes, leave it for a bit, go back watch some more. Repeat until...
  20. Bluejaye

    Top 5 best games you ever played.

    In no particular order: Dune Dune 2/2000 Spelljammer World of Warcraft Fallout 3
  21. Bluejaye

    [NEEDS ID] Party babe

    Any of you old letch's out there have an idea who this is? It's an oldie from the 2008 UKAP Christmas party.
  22. Bluejaye

    Prime Time Teasers Playoffs

    Cottony Intimates.
  23. Bluejaye

    Brit culture / Living in the UK

    Two fingers up with the nails facing you, insult. Two fingers up with the nails facing me, V for Victory. At least that's how it is now. Holding up the middle finger? Still an insult in the UK.
  24. Bluejaye

    what game are you playing right now?

    I'm still ever so slowly working my way through the first one that they gave away during all the lockdowns. I'll load it up, play for a bit, then forget about it for a month or two.
  25. Bluejaye

    Anybody watch reality TV shows?

    I've tried on occasion to watch reality TV. But every time I have, it has to me, come across as highlighting and rewarding some of the worst character traits in people. The man/woman who lies, cheats, is manipulative and coercive goes on to win and earns a packet after the show. Just puts me...
  26. Bluejaye

    Picture of the day

    Debuting alongside the Hardy Boys tonight we have ...... :)
  27. Bluejaye

    Prime Time Teasers Playoffs

    Swim Instructor. I was thinking about getting fit again, I do wonder if she gives private lessons. :D And if anyone is interested, Olga Kobzar's the name. After a very quick search.
  28. Bluejaye

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    While I have it sitting around somewhere at home, I still haven't watched number 3.
  29. Bluejaye

    What is the latest good TV series you have watched?

    Apparently before the end of the year, mine is going to be Grimm. I happen to know someone has splurged and bought me the full boxset for Christmas. Now aren't I a lucky boy.
  30. Bluejaye


    "People on the Internet are weird.", you're just realising this? People on this board are weird, the rest of the internet is a cesspool of weird, bizarre and downright disturbing.
  31. Bluejaye

    Prime Time Teasers Playoffs

    Bucking the trend so far. Casual Seduction.
  32. Bluejaye

    Two or more girls nude in same pic (the more the merrier)

    I don't remember this event from the Olympics being televised.
  33. Bluejaye

    Picture of the day

    "British Nude", Kelle Marie Farmer and Abigail Toyne.
  34. Bluejaye

    Picture of the day

    And so it begins.......
  35. Bluejaye

    Best NON-nude

    Damn, threw my back out just looking at that Sarena Banks image. Talk about a flexible lady. :)
  36. Bluejaye

    Brit culture / Living in the UK

    In the same way American spelling of words is. It's technically a word but at the same time it isn't really. :giggle: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/oi
  37. Bluejaye

    Brit culture / Living in the UK

    Only if they put a crap load of cream in the middle. And it's not a hot dog bun. It's nowhere near as sweet to taste.
  38. Bluejaye

    World-Class Nudes: Playoffs!

    It still has to be Sensual Touch.
  39. Bluejaye

    World-Class Nudes: Playoffs!

    Tough one today, but I'll go for "Sensual Touch".
  40. Bluejaye

    World-Class Nudes: Playoffs!

    All hands on ass.
  41. Bluejaye

    World-Class Nudes: Playoffs!

    Pump it hard.
  42. Bluejaye

    World-Class Nudes: Playoffs!

    Stairway Stripdown.
  43. Bluejaye

    Girls in socks

    A small blast from the past there, from when page 3 in the UK was fun.
  44. Bluejaye

    World-Class Nudes: Playoffs!

    Difficult one there. But Rocky Shores gets the vote. I was going to type "Hard one there", but considering the forum I half thought better of it. :)
  45. Bluejaye

    World-Class Nudes: Playoffs!

    Marta Gromova.
  46. Bluejaye

    World-Class Nudes: Playoffs!

    Low tide, Playboy got a wee bit over enthusiastic with the smoother in that other picture.
  47. Bluejaye

    What is the latest BAD film you watched?

    Haven't watched all of it, but it certainly is a bit "meh".
  48. Bluejaye

    World-Class Nudes: Playoffs!

    Got to be Business Casual.
  49. Bluejaye

    Pornstars you hope never get breast implants

    Sadly, I believe she has.
  50. Bluejaye

    Daisy Ridley

    Murder on the Orient express was decent enough.