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Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
What annoys you the most?

Or rather.. what annoys you.. but noone else?

Adam Sandler movies? Facials in porn? Girls eating bananas without moaning? People that use better smilies than you, on this BB? Etc etc.
Things that annoy me...


My fiance thinking girls who are uglier than me are hot.

Fake orgasms in porn.

Nonsenical threads that lead to the starter getting banned.

I'll get back to you.
Hmmm...I guess the simplest and easy answer for me would be fools. I especially hate the ones that should be smarter or do, in fact, know better but somehow still fail to use common sense or the shred of intellect any non retarded adult should have.

After that are people who let greed get in the way of doing what's right. Than again that would probably be more accurately classified as anger than annoyance.

I also don't like people that don't stand up for themselves and will let society and those above them roll over them because it's more convenient or they consider it the path of least resistance.

People that want to force their beliefs on you even though what you do or believe doesn't affect anybody else in any significant way. (Again that rises above the level of annoyance for me)
Fools, ignorance, and sloth are my biggest pet peeves.
but, im a slob. :D

for me, its people who talk during movies, people who dont know what a shower is, people who drive too slow or too fast on residential streets, but, my biggest pet peeve other than the twins is, people who use too many commas. :D
having diarrhea while driving on the highway. it's bad enough that i hate using the can in public, but in a gas station can? gross. it's really annoying. it's like my ass holds it until i get to the highway.


Hiliary 2020
Women with a I am better than you attitude, especially when I don't find them the least bit attractive and wouldn't fuck them with your dick.
Brad Pit
george cooney
Mat Damon
and all these other male "cool guy" actors who suck.
Most celebrities.
The Gov always bleeding me dry.
Drunks who act stupid.
Women pushing baby carraiges along busy roads.
People in front of me on line spending 15 minutes giving the clerk every damn lottery number combination on the planet and confusing the usually foriegn clerk,then question the total, while I just want to buy milk or bread. (only in America).
Extreme New Jersey accents. "which way to the shaw?"


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
My biggest pet peeve of all-time is people who drive 30MPH in a 35MPH zone. It just fucking pisses me off sooooooo bad.

I also hate people who try and make me feel bad for them. "Work is so hard, I hate my life, I'm lonely, feel bad for me, blah blee bloop blop"...shut the fuck up and deal with it bitches.

I also hate people who don't really understand what they're ordering at a restaurant. If you order a medium-rare tenderloin, I'm going to send you a medium-rare tenderloin. So, don't send it back and tell me that my temps are wrong, you ASSHOLES.
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babies, children and the parents who can't control them
My fiance thinking girls who are uglier than me are hot.
But, honey, a girl could be a lot uglier than you and still be hot!

My biggest pet peeve of all-time is people who drive 30MPH in a 35MPH zone. It just fucking pisses me off sooooooo bad.

Oh my God do I agree! My fiancee can attest that if someone is more than 5 mph under the limit (and it's safe) I whip out the illegal pass. (Bad me) Other driving related debacles: Someone doing barely the speed limit in the fast lane. Being on a two-lane highway and both cars in front of you are doing the same exact speed. People who put their blinkers on and don't turn. People who speed up when you're passing them. Cars that have to drive slow over bumpy roads because they are lowriders with exhaust work. Cars that tailgate me when I'm doing 40 in a 25. Cars that cut me off from side streets then don't get up to speed so I have to brake. Cars turning or going straight from improper lanes. Cars that are on the right side of a one-way street who are turning left. People double-parking on narrow streets (especially if there is an open parking space nearby). People not getting over to the left side of the road when they are turning left, trapping you behind them. People stopping where there is no stop sign. People using improper etiquette at a 4-way stop. People opening their car door at the moment I'm going past. People pulling backwards out of their driveway and sitting in the middle of the street for five seconds while they figure out how to put it in drive. People walking in the street where there is a sidewalk. People who back up on the shoulder of the highway because they missed their exit. People who don't go the second the light turns green don't bother me, but don't give me the finger when I honk at you. Putting speed bumps in on an oft-traveled street. Cars that slow down too much to make a right turn. People who stop when the light is still yellow. Cars that make illegal right turns on red. Cars that run red lights. Cars trying to make a left turn when it is not allowed. Cars with unbuckled kids bouncing around. People that don't alternate when two lanes are merging into one. People that block the intersection when their side isn't moving. When I'm the first at the light and the car opposite me makes a left turn in front of me on green, and does it slowly so I have to wait for them. People in front of me who weave back and forth.
I'm sure I left out a couple.
Out of the car, I mainly get annoyed from things I hear on the news.:D
In Life: Hypocrites, bigots (religious), people who walk slow or stop in the middle of a busy sidewalk :mad:

In Porn: Fake fingernails, fake boobs (to an extent), pussy rings and fieces/ urine fettishes.
People who drive like maniacs.
People who when they see a line of traffic getting off the freeway, (which I'm usually in) get into another lane and drive to the front.
People who aren't open to other ideas.
(Not so much anymore, but when I was younger) Girls that are into for months at a time, and when you finally get the courage to go for it, say they were just having fun.
People who don't use their turn signals.
Uptight people.
People who are generally not nice on this board (fortunately they seem to be very low in numbers).
Posters on the board who call you out for negligable infractions.
People who come to sports events rooting for the away team.
and worst of all
Angels fans. :rofl:
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People who drive like maniacs.
People who when they see a line of traffic getting off the freeway, (which I'm usually in) get into another lane and drive to the front.....People who don't use their turn signals.
Looks like you got a couple I missed! :D
hypocrisy in others; jealousy; spitefulness; vindictiveness; people who 'steal' other people's ideas; really nasty people who have no compassion for others; selfish bigots; people with really big egos but who have no brain of their own...


Closed Account
People who drive like maniacs,

Same here we have a few non drivers here that needs to go back to driveing school. :eek:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Same here we have a few non drivers here that needs to go back to driveing school. :eek:

And this time take their copy of Burnout 3: TAKEDOWN for Xbox before they try the test.


Closed Account
I'll list a few of my own although several match some above.

-People that don't bathe and those that keep dirty a house. Poor or not, soap and water is cheap there is no excuse. One doesn't have to have much, or live in a palace but at least keep what you have clean.:mad:

-Those who don't apply common sense in addition to facts. I think the application at times can change the results a bit. :dunno: So what. Not everything is black and white, but that doesn't make gray wrong.;)


-Judgemental people. Those that are forever criticizing race, gender, looks and others lifestyles in general. Especially when its that of people they don't even know. I only concern myself with if I'm living my life right. They are such unhappy people in my eyes.

-Our government overall and the judicial system and every nook, cranny, policy, program and beating heart in both.

As the man once said "I got a million of them", but I will stop now.
