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CFNM..the beginning Pt.1


Yes, these words change as I post more!
It All Begins Here
I contemplate my next action - I am about to walk nude down the stairs and into the living room where my sister is sitting in an easy chair. Everything that operates logically in my brain is blasting alarms throughout my body - I feel nauseous and dizzy and my legs tremble. But I'm convinced that it’s necessary to tough this out, to do something that falls outside of the ‘normal stuff’. With a cold clench gripping my heart, I press my bare foot onto the first stair and begin my descent.

This moment is a jumble of fear and uncertainty and expectation - this is either going to end up very horrible or very wonderful. I see why this emotional conundrum is an exhibitionist’s delight; but the shaking is really hard to control. I have no backup plan: I will be totally naked, with no possibility of covering myself or offering excuses. I cannot carry a bathrobe or a towel with me - the whole exhilarating point is being nude on purpose.
My feet slowly take me down the stairs. I struggle for the control to walk in some sort of normal fashion without calling undue attention as I approach - I want the element of surprise in my favor.

I arrive at the landing and quietly step onto the living room carpet. Lily is sitting in her favorite chair, her back toward me. She holds a large novel in front of herself; the television hums away beyond that. It seems cinematically comical - my nerve-wracking escapade is beginning a few feet away from her and she doesn’t suspect a thing.

“There’s coffee ready,” she says, unnaturally fixated to her book. Her words render my heartbeat a constant rumble and as my lungs freeze. I suddenly want to be inconspicuous - I can quickly turn and race up the steps. Then my sister would catch a glimpse of my retreating flesh and accuse me of behaving like a child and.......

“Great. Thanks,” I reply as I usually do. I proceed to the doorway, watching Lily. She is so engrossed in her story that she hasn’t even turned to look toward me. After all this, should I stand here and demand her attention? Amidst my internal confusion, some sort of warped discretion kicks in - I turn and soundlessly walk into the kitchen to temporary safety.
I am now trapped naked in the kitchen with the backdoor as my only means of escape. While I did experiment late one night with a nude romp in the backyard, full public nudity in the daylight will certainly make matters worse - I have no choice now but to see this situation through.

My muscles still refuse to obey me as they shake my hands and fingers. I am actually cold, my arms and legs like ice. Coffee is a great idea, if for no other reason than to attempt to warm myself. I shudder to the counter and grab a cup. Pouring coffee is quite a feat, given my tremors. I can only manage a half-cup. As I cautiously replace the pot, the inevitable begins.
“We need to go shopping later,” Lily says from the living room. I can hear her getting up from the chair, the tone of her voice reflected in her movements. She is on her way into the kitchen where she is going to scream and call our parents and the police and the news vans. She continues speaking but I am unable to focus on her words - I ready myself for what will happen in mere seconds.

My stomach bunches up as the coffee vibrates out of the cup. The noble reasons for this escapade suddenly vanish as Lily’s voice grows in intensity. Whether I like it or not, my exhibitionist’s desire is about to be fulfilled. I stand frozen in place, facing the kitchen sink.

My sister, very much into her speech of the moment, enters the kitchen nonchalantly. My chest grows even colder. She is moving something on the breakfast area couch, so she has yet to see me. I grab the sink for support and begin to understand her speech once again.

‘..then we can stop after that to...What the hell are you doing?’ She has obviously noticed my bare ass.

Wha......this.....I.....What the hell are you supposed to be doing?” she struggles with her words.

I have actually pulled-off this absurd stunt and I have yet to see her face. Amazingly, the tremors weaken and reality begins to sharpen. The entry into this surreal zone was rough – now that I’ve crossed the threshold, I feel I can take control. My buttocks are only a warm-up – as the feeling returns to my extremities, I inhale and turn and face Lily.

Her open mouth and eyes are equal in size. She looks me in the face for an instant then, inevitably, looks down at my body. The expression of disbelief on her face may be permanent and her facial muscles may never relax. Like attempted drama in a porn film, I begin to improvise a matter-of-fact speech concerning the logic of this situation.

“Come on, Lily, we’re both adults,” I calmly begin. (Being naked proves the obvious accuracy of my portion of that statement.) My voice begins to lose its vibrato. She remains physically astonished. “It’s about time we move out of the past.” I have no idea what I am about to say next. My sister still stands motionless holding her coffee cup, frozen eyes and mouth still opened wide.

“I spend a lot of my time nude,” I begin a dissertation. “This is a very comfortable and very mature state. I happen to be comfortable with my body. I don’t have fears about myself…” (not for almost 30 seconds) “… so I’ve decided that when mom and dad aren’t here, I am no longer going to wear clothes. They aren’t necessary. You really ought to think about taking your clothes off, you know.”

Of course, Lily doesn't immediately drop her garb to the floor and dance around the house. She manages to close her mouth, look me over and consider her position. She carefully approaches the sink with her cup, not getting too close to this bare version of her brother.

“Well...” she intones, “just don’t go outside like that.” Lily looks me over again, feigning nonchalance. “I’m not going to deal with the police.”

“Don’t worry,” I assure her, “This is only indoors.” (Well, for today.) My internal freeze has thawed and my hands and feet are receiving blood again. Without depositing her flowered mug in the sink, Lily turns and returns to her haven of safety in the living room. This is quite amazing - she hasn’t freaked. I’m now able to pour a steady cup of coffee as I revel in my first naked victory.

A Whole New (Nude) World
I calmly walk to the living room. My sister is back in her comfy chair, cross-legged in front of the television, book to the side now. She appears a bit stunned - I can’t even begin to imagine her thoughts at this moment. I enter the room, feeling uniquely empowered. I pause next to her chair.

“What are you watching?’ I ask. A woman appears to be cooking a pan of dirt on this program.

“I don’t have any idea,” she replies, “I was distracted by a naked man.” Well, she isn’t angry or upset, just off-balance.

I sit down matter-of-factly, as if a naked human being on the sofa is the norm in our house. Lily feigns non-concern as she quietly divides her attention with her book, the TV and, surreptitiously, my body. It would be nice to create a new norm here today, something eccentric that only Lily and I share.

Lily is looking my way during normal conversation far more than usual. She initiates small talk as an opportunity to nonchalantly peruse her bare brother.
Having finished my coffee, I get up and walk toward her with the intention of taking her coffee cup for a refill.

“More coffee?” I ask.

“No thanks,” she replies, looking up at my face. I pick up her empty mug - from the corner of my eye, I observe her looking my body over, her eye-level view lingering at my penis. While it triggers a sensual feeling of satisfaction, it also whispers to actual arousal. As these more familiar sensations begin to take shape, I turn away from her quiet scan and go back to my own safe haven in the kitchen.

The Subject Comes Up
I stand motionless at the kitchen sink. It seems, out of a need to bring her own sense of order to this off-center morning, my sister continues her miscellaneous chatter in the other room. My pulse begins to race as chills shiver through my stomach. I realized the unique satisfaction of an exhibitionist when she first saw me naked in the kitchen. But it is very different from the more obviously sexual arousal triggered when she looked directly at my penis.

I pour another cup of coffee, taking notice of my bare body in the mirror next to the refrigerator. Walking around the house naked with my sister here, watching her quietly examine my body with a wry smile on her face brings exhilaration unlike any I’ve ever known. I must take a few minutes to adjust my other responses before calmly returning to naked TV viewing. How do they do it at nudist camps?

Lily suddenly breaks the silence. “So what’s with you and Lisa?” she asks. Lisa is her highly oversexed friend who has already gone beyond the polite stage with me. In fact, after we had sex two nights ago, she got me wound up about this ‘going-naked-in-front-of-your-sister’ idea, mentioning how she wishes she had a brother and how they would always be nude with each other and how she could ask him about how guys like sex and how she would ‘make him let me play with his dick’.....

I had modified her advice and stopped after the ‘nude with each other’ part. But these vivid thoughts are not helping the situation – I now have the early stages of an erection…. and I notice my hormones pick up the conversation.
“Well, hasn’t she talked to you?” I ask, overly-aware of my almost hard-on. So far, a limp dick is alright to show your sister. But a big stiff one....?
“Oh she has,” Lily replies. She pauses, then adds “She told me she fucked you.”

Somehow, hearing my sister nonchalantly say this to me, after our ‘morning to remember’ and her new-found sexual honesty brings up the final result. I watch an erection matter-of-factly grow out in front of the guy in the mirror. Once again, I begin shivering.

“Oh really?” I nervously blurt out. I assess the situation: I cannot remain in here until I relax - that won’t happen anytime soon. I consider masturbating surreptitiously while conversing with my sister – even if I managed that, it may not produce the speedy result I require. I hear the echoes of Lisa’s single-child opinion that ‘brothers and sisters can fool around as long as they’re careful’. A scary but intense desire is building inside me..... “She said that?” I pick the conversation up again in tremulant tones.

“She actually said the word fuck and she told me she liked it.” My sister is on a roll, talking dirty talk to someone in her family and getting away with it. “She asked me why I never told her how big your dick was,” she adds. “I asked her ‘How would I know?'” My mind struggles to create some order here. For some unfathomable reason, the nude guy in the mirror has begun to gently stroke himself as if it will improve his concentration. Within the carnival-ride of my inverted perception, the sensations are highly magnified.
“What else did she tell you?” I inquire, working for extra time, as if some hidden path back to my bedroom will show itself.

Lily laughs then says “She told me she gave you a blow job”. She delivers this with her newly-realized adult tone – I can hear the smile on her face.

I begin trembling more uncontrollably. My sister is being cute by using the dirty words and talking about sex; but her brother, who’s been boldly walking around the house nude this morning didn’t expect this. The arousal drives through me with tremendous power, the chills and the surreal perspective firing the erotic urges. This is what Lisa means and it’s now part of the situation.

“Did she tell you all the details?” I ask from the safety of the kitchen, purposely directing the conversation to coincide with my alert organ.
“Well, she figured that since you’re my brother I would know this stuff. I told her that we don’t really talk about sex and that I hadn’t seen you naked in years – well, until today. I guess I’ll have to tell her about you’re being naked this morning since you two have, you know....fucked.” Lily keeps her book in front of her face with no regard for the television programs that quietly chatter away before her. She is flaunting her sexuality as well, keeping her clothes on but using dirty talk in front of her brother. For her this is as bold a step. I let the absurd take over again and my next step will be even bolder.

Follow The Erection
I understand the feeling of rough seas as I begin my journey into the living room, my erection leading the way. This is an almost other-worldly experiment. Somewhere in my subconscious out-of-pitch sirens ricochet from the walls sending my senses into a spin. This is beyond sexual stimulation – I feel myself touching something deep inside that has never been given freedom.

Lily’s nose is buried again in her book. I inhale and begin: “Well you know Lisa really turns me on. We always have a great time.” I pause, then blurt out “She can really fuck.” I feel shivers through my entire being as the arousal surges to my hard-on when I intone the word of choice for the morning. Lily faces away from me sitting cross-legged in the overstuffed chair. My temples beat along with my seemingly audible heart. The floor continues to randomly move as I walk. My spontaneous journey seems inspired from somewhere far away yet deep within me.

I arrive in the living room. “In fact,” I warble, “we just talked about her for a minute and look what happened.”

Haphazard timing proves perfect – I arrive beside her chair as Lily turns toward me with a grin. I thrust my erection toward her, a hand’s length from her face and observe the instant of disbelief as she forgets the snappy remark that never happened, upstaged by a turgid male sex organ.
I am shaking involuntarily, muscles throughout my entire body barely obeying me. Lily’s mouth is once again wide open in disbelief. Her reaction surpasses the kitchen scene with an expression that goes beyond astonishment. Seeing my erection pointed in her face I realize this insane moment cannot be erased: it seems every rule of morality has been broken.

Her mouth moves without words. Her eyes are as wide as her owl-eyed glasses. Lily is completely astounded, frozen in the chair. My muscles steady somewhat as I become familiar with the sensations. I begin to regain control over my body. My arousal is monumental – my erection seems to occupy the center of the room, almost visibly emanating energy.

My voice appears again; I matter-of-factly declare “This always happens when I think about Lisa.” The subject of my statement is obvious. Lily does not move; her expression does not change.

I struggle with my next step, my follow-up to the last statement. I suddenly realize that my sister could panic and even go to our parents. She nervously watches my erection, as if it can’t be trusted. I start talking: “Well, she told you how big my penis is” I mention, “and you can see the difference from before when I wasn’t turned on.” If I can move this into a sex education session for Lily things may work out. “All I have to do is think about sex or talk about it and my penis gets hard like this.” I look down at this off-kilter scene, standing nude in front of my sister, my erection pushed in her face. Cold fear continues mutating into spectacular arousal – my penis is incredibly hard and seems to have gotten bigger. My emotional turmoil contains a bizarre feeling of satisfaction.

To be continued...


I can set my own custom title!
Geee... let me guess. You went to "Redville High"?

So now it's not underage lesbians, it's incest.



I can set my own custom title!
I'm freaking confused. WTF is up with you and your sister?

I would be amazed... AMAZED, if this is not the same guy who brought us "Redville High" recently.

Apparently, he doesn't want to bother to read the board rules, but likes writing about all the things you're not supposed to discuss here at Freeones.

I'm waiting with baited breath for his p2p story. :rofl:
