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The coronavirus could disrupt production of Apple’s next iPhone

Maybe Apple should build factories in Mexico, because shipping the new iPhone on schedule is more important than the coronavirus!!!
Apple has $245 billion in cash reserves. They could build a new state of the art fully automated factory in less than a month, in Mexico or California.


- - - Updated - - -

China races to develop vaccine before coronavirus mutates | DW News



Wuhan coronavirus has now passed 6,000 cases worldwide


Retired Morgenmuffel
Bronze Member
Switching the building of vast parts of not only apple's product spectrum would really not only send an important political message, it would help very much in the relations to the neighbours on the american continent,m even offer possibilities to get people from thinking about fleeing the country in Mexico, if they could get a job that provides a living wage




WHO declares China coronavirus a 'global emergency' | DW News

Coronavirus declared a global health emergency


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It better stay away from Northern Europe!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Coronavirus topic!
Come for the virus,
leave for the ever-present iPhone mentions,
come back to see we're on-topic, now. :)

I, for one.. could use a thinning of the herd.
But I would have to post in the politics section to express why halving china's population, moving cheap production to Africa and weakening a superpower is a good thing.
But then maybe North Korea would step up its game and ... nah, not gonna happen. Wishful what-if thinking.


Lmao ��
Right, a virus that racially discriminates!

It's possible, because there are some minor genetic differences between races.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
While I'd love to see Apple (and others) build more high volume products in North America (in general) and the U.S. (specifically), the problem isn't putting up buildings and filling them with manufacturing equipment, it's staffing those buildings with qualified and skilled workers. That's a major, major problem right now all across the U.S. Despite the nonsensical (and incorrect) yammerings of people like Alexandria Cortez and others, we're actually very close to what is considered to be "full employment" in economic circles. Also, Apple doesn't generally build products in "Apple plants". It contracts with FoxConn, Pegatron Corp. and others for product assembly. Apart from some lower volume products (like the new Mac Pro), Apple generally only does the product design and software development, but relies on these contractors to actually build/supply the products to certain quality standards and volume levels.

As an aside, back when Steve Jobs was first trying to get components and assemblers for the "new to market" iPhone over a decade ago, he did approach some American engineering firms about sourcing and manufacturing the screens, cases and finished units. The American companies reportedly sent in just a few engineers, and they stumbled and struggled with how to manufacture the components and do the assembly, while still having acceptable (profitable) yields. In other words, Apple doesn't pay for your scrap or defects. No company does. So if the contracted demand is 100,000 units, and you have to produce 150,000 to get 100,000 "good" units, you're likely on a path to bankruptcy. The Chinese (FoxConn) sent in hordes of engineers, and they were ready to be up and running while the Americans were still scratching their heads. Also, because of the "labor situation" in China (slaves and little kids work cheap, or so I hear), they were able to source the components and produce the finished units MUCH cheaper than any American contract assembly firm ever could. The exact number escapes me right now, but I think that it was said that if an American (North American) contract company had gotten the original iPhone contract, the average iPhone cost-to-produce would have been somewhere around $5,000? Fact check me on that claimed production cost, but it was certainly waaaay up there.

I don't know that this coronavirus is going to have a real (longer term) effect on the world economy. I'm not a medical person, so I don't know how much of the current scare is real and how much is overblown. For right now, just from what little I've read, more people have died from the "common" flu over the same period of time as we've been hearing about corona. But I really don't know. If there's enough panic (from real or imagined concerns), it will have some effect, at least on the travel and tourism sectors.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
The Chinese (FoxConn) sent in hordes of engineers, and they were ready to be up and running while the Americans were still scratching their heads. Also, because of the "labor situation" in China (slaves and little kids work cheap, or so I hear

Historic fact that success is assured in civilizations where slave labor gave exponential growth, yeah.

I'm not taking fault with that or anything. :)

Just reacknowledging that there is no place for Romans being employed in Rome, and so on and so forth in regards to employing native populations in those countries where success already happened. :\


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
300+ deaths, 14,000+ confirmed cases, first confirmed death outside of China: Phillipines.

I think I've played this level on Plague, Inc.
THIS is what happens when you start in a super visible location and let your symptoms get out of control before it spreads worldwide.

...AND OHMYFUCKINGAWD just forget about Madagascar, Corona! You'll never hit 100% at this rate.

I'm not saying, ya know.. that you should restart the game. Just something to be aware of, next time. *clicks tongue* Still, not bad so far, slick.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
As long as there's a cure, and it tastes good

*blinks in mock/somewhat disbelief*

*recalls Eddie Izzard joke*
Cake or death?
Cake, plz.

If there was a cure, I would think very much that the taste is of no consequence. lolol

I recall my uncle's words: Why did we stop making metal toys and cutting down poison berry bushes? Natural selection was such a GOOD thing!
So, ahem.. if you dont want to take the terrible-tasting medicine.. ;)