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Fox News : "Carbon dioxyde improves the environment"

‘Fox & Friends’ Guest: Fossil Fuels ‘Actually Improve the Environment’

‘The more carbon-based fuels you can introduce into the developing world, the cleaner the environment gets,’ insisted the founder of a site that fights pollution regulations.

As it is wont to do, Fox & Friends spent Thursday morning breathlessly aghast, this time because of a two-day-old Bernie Sanders tweet about the horrific effects of climate change.

But fret not, Friends: A guest of the show reports that carbon-based fuels “actually improve the environment.”
Marc Morano, who founded the conservative news site ClimateDepot.com on the ideals of “climate realism,” which disputes the scientific consensus on fossil fuels contributing to climate change, laughed and called Sanders “silly” for writing that politicians today must “look at climate change as if it were a devastating military attack against the United States and the entire planet.”

Co-host Brian Kilmeade prompted: “What does he plan on doing?”

“This is silly,” scoffed Morano, whose site is notably funded by a secretive channel called Donors Trust that backs a number of right-wing organizations that oppose environmental regulations. “We’re going to treat now carbon dioxide, a trace-essential gas… as somehow akin to the Nazi Party and a World War II initiative? Which is what they’re claiming—they want a mobilization like World War II. Here’s the bottom line: This has nothing to do with fighting an enemy.”

Kilmeade asked how Morano views movements from politicians like Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), who published a New York Times op-ed last month asking that the planet “cut carbon through innovation, not regulation.”
Morano responded: “Everyone’s for energy efficiency for a clean environment. Oddly, the more carbon-based fuels you can introduce into the developing world—Africa, South America, Asia—the cleaner the environment gets. You have less people burning dung in their huts, you have less people dumping sewage into the rivers because you get infrastructure.”
“So carbon-based fuels actually improve the environment,” he continued. “And beyond that, everyone wants efficiency, but you don’t ban energy that works and mandate energy that’s not ready for prime time.”

In fact, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, and too much of it will likely kill us.
“We’re adding too much to the atmosphere too quickly for many living things to adapt,” Slate explained in 2016. “If this were happening over millions or even hundreds of thousands of years as it has in the past, the Earth, and humans, could possibly cope. But the changes we are making are incredibly rapid, and that’s their danger; the rate at which we are heating the planet is unprecedented.”

A report from the National Climate Assessment, released last month by the federal government, concluded that we need to fight climate change aggressively—and soon—in order “to avoid substantial damages to the U.S. economy, environment, and human health and well-being over the coming decades.”

Next on Fox : Tobacco protects from Cancer, Alcohol cures Hepatitis B, Fire = wet
"scientific consensus"

I'll take the threat of carbon emissions seriously when the leftist elites who fly around in private jets do.

Until then, fuck them and their religion.

See the uprising in France.
sean miguel said:
I'll take the threat of carbon emissions seriously when the leftist elites who fly around in private jets do.
Your point about them flying in jets would be valid if it was about the kind of cars they own. For now, there's no "clean planes" but there's clean car. These people are wealthy enough to by a Tesla or any other electric-car (or at least an hybrid-car) so, if they still drive a car who uses gas, one could claim they didn't even do what they want others to do. One could claim they had the choice and willfully choosed not to give a fuck about climat- change.

See the uprising in France.

There no uprising. A few thousand of radicals (among a 65+ millions people population) aren't an uprising. These guys don't even agree on anything except "Macron = Bad". Half of them are far-leftists who voted for communist Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the other half are far-righters who voted for fascist Marine Lepen)
Your point about them flying in jets would be valid if it was about the kind of cars they own. For now, there's no "clean planes" but there's clean car. These people are wealthy enough to by a Tesla or any other electric-car (or at least an hybrid-car) so, if they still drive a car who uses gas, one could claim they didn't even do what they want others to do. One could claim they had the choice and willfully choosed not to give a fuck about climat- change.

Flying by private jet has a much higher carbon footprint per person per flight than flying airline. It's a reason we're told to carpool as well but you don't see the limousine liberal elites doing that either.

Then there's the purchasing of carbon offsets. Like buying indulgences from the medieval Catholic church. Again, this is a religion of the left.

There no uprising. A few thousand of radicals (among a 65+ millions people population) aren't an uprising. These guys don't even agree on anything except "Macron = Bad". Half of them are far-leftists who voted for communist Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the other half are far-righters who voted for fascist Marine Lepen)

What are they called, the "yellow vests?" As in drivers? This began as a mass protest against higher gasoline taxes to combat climate change.
Flying by private jet has a much higher carbon footprint per person per flight than flying airline. It's a reason we're told to carpool as well but you don't see the limousine liberal elites doing that either.

Then there's the purchasing of carbon offsets. Like buying indulgences from the medieval Catholic church. Again, this is a religion of the left.
I agree with you about elites being hypocrites. But scientists aren't. Scientists dont use private jets or Limousines
Just because the elites don't do much to against climate-change doesn't mean you shouldn't do much either

sean miguel said:
What are they called, the "yellow vests?" As in drivers? This began as a mass protest against higher gasoline taxes to combat climate change.
They call themselves the Yellov Vest because they choosed the yellow vest (which is mandatory in every car here and must be used when you pull over on the highway for any reason) for their rallying sign.
It started as a protest against a raise of gas prices. But the thing is only 25% of that raise was caused by taxes, the rest was caused by a raise on oil prices. Also, any tax raise could have started this 'cause here for decades, the government creates taxes for everyting. They see taxes as the solution to every issues. Wether the Right or the Left is in office doesn't change that. People are tired of what is known here as "tax-bludgeoning".
'Till mid-December, the protests were massive, About 200,000 protestors all over the country On December 1st and 8th. Since then Macron passed a few bills, raising the minimum wage, cancelling a few taxes, etc. As a result of this, only a few thousands people are still protesting and these are the most radicals.

If often see the US right angry at leftist protestors, accusing them of being looters, calling for cop murder, etc. The guy with the black beanie is Christophe Dettinger, a former professional boxer. From October 30th 2007 to May 3rd 2008, he held the french cruiserweight championship.

And here, scums looting a bike store and a jewelry store with yellow vests not interfering and even participating

Are you sure this is an uprising against the Left's "climate change agenda" ? Are you sure these are the kind of people you wanna support ?