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Horrific Sexual Slavery wide-spread in Israel

Will E Worm



I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
It has nothing to do with American's right wing or left wing paradigm.

Israel is a socialist country. Their only agenda is what is good for them.
I meant the right wing Israeli govt, they wouldn't want America interferring in their politics but don't mind interferring in US politics when it suits them.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
It's ok. This probably falls under the "get out of jail free" card we gave them after WWII.
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Less than 1,000 posts away from my free Freeones T-shirt
Jenkum posting Anti-Jew story. No surprise here.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Then you should look better. :tongue:

I'm not "evangelical."

The TEA Party did what?

No one is the "chosen" people any more. God divorced Israel for chasing after other gods.

Jeremiah 3:8 (KJV)
8: And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.

Where did I say anything about you being an Evangelical or anything else? Don't be so paranoid.

The TEA party? Lower middle class people who believe that Donald Trump gives two shits about them... so they see him as one of their heroes (much like the goyim Zionists who play lap dog to Israel). Donnie Boy doesn't even give so much as a fart about them - just as Israel doesn't give a fart about us. They care primarily about themselves... just as we should care primarily about ourselves.


Myth: Women don't like porn or dirty sex
Jenkum posting Anti-Jew story. No surprise here.

Are you trying to slander me as an anti-semite? Are you one of those people who belives that enyone critical of israeli crimes against humanity is automatically an anti-semite? If you are shame on you. I call crimes against humanity as I see them, This is absolutely despicable for any country to exhibit such racism and depravity against women, let alone an "ally" of the united states. Where is the humanitarian mission to stop these hate crimes against these poor women taken as sex slaves in israel to be raped repeatedly by supposedly orthodox religious jews in a jewish state? Are you so pro-Jew that you will disregard blatantly racist and hateful crime and bahavior perpetrated by Jews? Can Jews do no wrong in your pro jewish brain fog? This is an outrage, and the USA should force israel to stop these humanitarian abuses or cut the billions of dollars of US funding given to the israelis anually. This is no way for an ally of the US to behave.

Secondly, there are plenty of Jews that oppose the state of Israel and the crimes against humanity that Israel has commited and continues to commit. For you to imply that opposition to Israel is tantamount to anti-jewish sentiment is completely dishonest at best, and outright deceitful and malicious at worst. You are suggesting that every Jew is pro israel which is untrue. Israel does not represent all jews no matter how much they may try to make people think otherwise.


Retired Morgenmuffel
Bronze Member
Please be just a little calmer.

The topic is a serious one, discuss, don't try to push each other.

If you guys go over the top, I will close the thread down for a while :2 cents:


I've been following this thread and let me just say, "Congratulations. You just found out there's a sex-slave problem in the world." Human trafficking has always existed, and with the elimination of the Soviet-bloc, the market has boomed with the introduction of eastern European women. Israel has a sex-slave problem? Everyone has a sex-slave problem. Walk up to a globe, give 'er a good spin and jab finger downward. If you didn't hit water, you hit a country with a human trafficking for sex market. And it's probably grossing millions to billions in that country alone. I don't know what country you're from. Whatever it is, you have a sex-slave market in a thriving metropolis near you.


Myth: Women don't like porn or dirty sex
I've been following this thread and let me just say, "Congratulations. You just found out there's a sex-slave problem in the world." Human trafficking has always existed, and with the elimination of the Soviet-bloc, the market has boomed with the introduction of eastern European women. Israel has a sex-slave problem? Everyone has a sex-slave problem. Walk up to a globe, give 'er a good spin and jab finger downward. If you didn't hit water, you hit a country with a human trafficking for sex market. And it's probably grossing millions to billions in that country alone. I don't know what country you're from. Whatever it is, you have a sex-slave market in a thriving metropolis near you.

Are you serious? You can go down to a local area in your city where every building is a place of business where you can go into a room and rape a girl that is enslaved in that room? These businesses are not shut down by the police, the government and city turn a blind eye to these businesses. The Orthodox Jews are the best customers to these horrific places of utter depravity. If you have places like this in your town you should call the police and tell them, because im sure they would go shut these places down and put the owners in Prison, that is if you live in a civilized country with people who have morals.

Dont try to downplay this, this is sick, and Israel has a serious problem with this that doesnt exist in other countries out in the open or even close to the level that it does in israel, this goes far and above normal prostitution, this industry in israel is driven out of hatred and racism for non Jews, read the article again and look into the matter for yourself. Israel is the worst offender in the world when it comes to this. nobody could do this unless they felt racially superior and they wanted to hurt people of another race. This is a racist and sydistic thing, and it says alot about Israel. I know I would never want to go pay to rape a sex slave, I dont know anyone else who would either. These Jews who frequent these places are the sickest sector of humanity. People who get off on abusing another human being who they percieve to be of an inferior race. The people involved in this are absolute monsters as well as the people in the government who allow these businesses to operate without shutting them down. israel has been at the very top of the list for sexual slavery and human trafficking for a very long time, look it up. The watchdog groups have had israel ranked as one of the top offenders for years. This is something that could only be done by an extremly racist people who hate the women who they are raping, they would never be able to do this to jewish women, they only can do it to non jews, and the government doesnt care because non jews are getting abused.


Your incredulity is charming. And I'm not trying to downplay anything. I'm trying to get it into your localized skull that human trafficking for sex exists in every country on the planet. You can hide under the covers all you want, but it is the case. Hell, we had a thread a few months ago about it happening in Oakland, CA. I live in Vegas. Do you really think that we don't have a few dungeons within walking distance of the Strip? It's happening everywhere. Israel is just one small member of a very big club.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
In what part of the city do you live and where can I find these places? No reason, just curious. And just out of curiosity, what would the password be? And just to further satisfy my curiosity, what would a membership cost?


My wife doesn't know I'm a perv!
you know what the first thing that popped into my head when starting to read this thread? shit happens, all over the world. in every country, state, city...everywhere.

can i go downtown here in SF and find a sex slave dungeon that hasnt been found out yet? probably not without some digging around in the seedy underworld but i can guarantee i can find it. am i gonna? no. cause i can go out and pick a chick up at a bar.

but am i gonna sit here any say that this "new development" in Israel is anything of extreme news to me? shit no. i prolly coulda told you that without reading the article.
Thankfully a Rabbi is out in front about this.

I took a college course where this was discussed (along with human trafficking in other countries) and it's shocking.
Your incredulity is charming. And I'm not trying to downplay anything. I'm trying to get it into your localized skull that human trafficking for sex exists in every country on the planet. You can hide under the covers all you want, but it is the case. Hell, we had a thread a few months ago about it happening in Oakland, CA. I live in Vegas. Do you really think that we don't have a few dungeons within walking distance of the Strip? It's happening everywhere. Israel is just one small member of a very big club.

Actually no. Israel isn't just a small member. It's a main hub of human trafficking in the middle east, and that is saying a lot considering the oil wealth and low regard non-Muslim women are given in most majority Muslim countries.

Women are brought in from mostly former Soviet bloc countries, abused by Israelis then some are resold to men in Muslim majority countries.


I'm not surprised. Apartheid, organ traffiking, sex slavery, selling weapons to scumbags, laundering money for Russian oligarchs.....Israel's just a sandpit run by gangsters.