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Seems like Trump's supporters hate jews as much as they hate mexicans


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
In 2016, people have read anti-Semitic tweets 10 billion times, many from Trump supporters

On Monday, a reporter received a sickening Twitter message: A photo of her face, with a Nazi-style yellow star superimposed and a bloody bullet hole Photoshopped in the middle of her forehead.
“Don’t mess with our boy Trump or you will be first in line for the camp,” the message to Politico reporter Hadas Gold said.
That message to Gold resembled more than 2 million tweets containing language associated with anti-Semitism, all posted in a one-year period, the Anti-Defamation League found in a new analysis published on Wednesday.
And those hateful tweets didn’t just vanish into the netherworld of the Internet: The ADL found that Twitter users viewed these tweets a staggering 10 billion times.

If people look at anti-Semitic language 10 billion times in one year, those tweets surely influence public norms, the report said. “That’s roughly the equivalent social media exposure advertisers could expect from a $20 million Super Bowl ad — a juggernaut of bigotry we believe reinforces and normalizes anti-Semitic language and tropes on a massive scale.”

A Twitter spokesperson questioned the large number by email, saying, “Impressions are non-public data. We don’t believe these numbers are accurate, but we take the issue very seriously. We have focused the past number of months specifically on this type of behavior and have policy and products aimed squarely at this to be shared in the coming weeks.”

The ADL report focused in particular on the anti-Semitic tweets aimed at journalists, frequently those whose writing about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has displeased a large contingent of Twitter users who band together to attack these journalists online. The words most commonly found in the bios of the people who post these anti-Semitic attacks? “Trump,” “nationalist,” conservative,” “American” and “white.”
Some of Trump’s campaign staff and many of his supporters have been associated with anti-Semitic speech themselves, and in recent days, observers have noted with alarm that Trump’s talk about a global conspiracy echoes old anti-Semitic tropes.

“In a Thursday, October 13 speech, Mr. Trump made repeated references to a ‘global’ power structure, including references to international banks plotting ‘the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich’ themselves, telling his audience that ‘this is a conspiracy against you’ and ‘this is a struggle for the survival of our nation.’ Such imagery has a long and vile history among those who perpetuate anti-Semitic tropes,” Rabbi Jonah Pesner, the head of the political and social action arm of Reform Judaism, the largest denomination in the United States, said in a statement last week. “It defies belief to assume that Mr. Trump is unaware of the anti-Semitic associations of the messages he is espousing – nor can he be unaware that such messages are being celebrated by neo-Nazis and alt-right organizations.”
Steven Cheung, a spokesman for Trump, has said that Trump’s speech about conspiracy was not anti-Semitic. Instead, Cheung said, Trump was referring to a hacked email that indicated Hillary Clinton met with a Brazilian bank.

The ADL identified 10 journalists, all Jewish, who have borne the brunt of the online attacks, among more than 800 journalists who have been targeted.


Thousands of Twitter users send these tweets. A group of 1,600 Twitter accounts collectively sent 68 percent of the tweets aimed at journalists.

How well does Twitter do at suspending users who harass other people online? During the one-year study, just 21 percent of those 1,600 accounts got suspended by Twitter, the ADL said. And the Twitter users keep adjusting their methods, to stay one step ahead of filters that pick up hate speech. For example, recently these Twitter users have started using “Skypes” to mean “kikes.”

Journalists and others have complained that Twitter does not step in often enough to shut down abusive accounts. On Monday, in perhaps the most recent instance, WNYC reporter Matt Katz complained that Twitter refused to remove an account that sent him a threatening, anti-Semitic tweet. https://twitter.com/mattkatz00/status/788171392680284164/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc^tfw
Hours later, the company suspended the account after all. https://twitter.com/mattkatz00/status/788221020234780673/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc^tfw

In response to an inquiry from the Post on Tuesday, a Twitter spokesperson pointed out that the site’s policies forbid tweets that “promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people” on the basis of religion, among many other categories. The policies continue, “We also do not allow accounts whose primary purpose is inciting harm towards others on the basis of these categories.”

The ADL study looked at a year of tweets, from August 2015 to July 2016. Starting in January, as the election year got underway, the volume of anti-Semitic tweets increased markedly, it found. On the same day that Trump made certain inflammatory speeches, the volume of hateful tweets shot up.
Trump’s own rhetoric toward the “lying, disgusting people” in the media may have fueled an environment in which his supporters felt free to attack them on the internet, the ADL suggested.

The target of the most anti-Semitic tweets, by far, was Ben Shapiro, a conservative writer who formerly worked for Breitbart and who does not support Trump.
The other nine work for a variety of media outlets — from recognizable TV personalities Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer, to conservative writers Jonah Goldberg and Bethany Mandel, to Yair Rosenberg who works for the Jewish site Tablet.
Filling out the list: The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, CNN’S Sally Kohn, New York Times editor Jonathan Weisman, and Dana Schwartz, who took Trump to task in The Observer, a paper owned by Trump’s Jewish son-in-law.

The report tried to trace the people who spark waves of anti-Semitic attacks on these journalists. In the case of Julia Ioffe, who wrote a profile of Melania Trump in GQ magazine and then faced a barrage of violent tweets, the ADL found that Andrew Anglin, founder of the white supremacist website the Daily Stormer, started the attack. “Please go ahead and send her a tweet and let her know what you think of her dirty **** trickery. Make sure to identify her as a Jew working against White interests, or send her the picture with the Jude star from the top of the article,” Anglin wrote to his readers. They did.

The ADL said it will release recommendations about what to do about this wave of online hate — but not until Nov. 19, after the election is over.

A candidate who tweeted quotes from Mussolini and who's supporter are anti-semitic. Really, that's the President America needs...

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
"You Jew Bastard!"~HRC
"Fucking Kikes"~HRC

Fuck you, Johan.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol

online photo sharing

Cut it. Re-size it to fit the parameters and use it as your sig for one year and I will not post in the political sub forum as long as you use it. You've earned it and you know it. Do it.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Say what? lol Your source for this is...?
Particularly odd considering the majority of catholics vote democrat.

No proof at all she ever said the latter.
Skimpy at best indications she ever said "Jew bastard".

Hold on. I'll get back to you. She absolutely said that and worse.

Hillary was heard calling mentally challenged children 'f*****g ree-tards' and caught on record blurting out the terms 'stupid k**e and 'f***ing Jew b*****d', while Bill called the Reverend Jesse Jackson a 'G**damned n****r'.


I have heard from others in the law enforcement community that she has other, more troubling quotes. People who had been on her protective details when she was in Arkansas have said she absolutely refused to enter Jewish homes because she had friends in the PLO and supported their bullshit. That was directly from a trooper who I met in Vegas twenty years ago. He had other shit to say about her. Nasty woman indeed.

Jack Davenport

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Say what? lol Your source for this is...?
Particularly odd considering the majority of catholics vote democrat.

No proof at all she ever said the latter.
Skimpy at best indications she ever said "Jew bastard".

So I have to cite statistics but Johan can throw out that most Trump supporters are card carrying members of the Aryan Nations and I am the one that you challenge? :1orglaugh

Edit: Hispanic Catholics make up the majority of the Catholic vote for Democrats. White Catholics vote for Democrats only 40-45 percent of the time



Hiliary 2020
You can't judge all Italian Americans by the actions of the Italian Mafia.
Same thing applies to Jews.

But the Neocon movement was largely movement put forth by Jews. Cristol, Kagan, Wolfewitz, Chertoff, ect.
This small group of men have created a lot of death and destruction around the world in the past 15 years and they ain't done by a long stretch.
Many many advisors to Bush, Obama and especially HC are Jewish.

The MSM which has become the US Ministry of Propaganda is almost entirely owned by Jews, as well as most Hollywood film studios. Most all the information Americans recieve is decided by Jews.
The banking systems around the world which enslave the people with debt based currency are owned by Jews.
By far the biggest and most powerful lobbies who have an enormous input in American policys, particuarly foreign policy aka the war agenda are Jewish lobbies.
A disproportionate amount of US politicians, czars, judges, heads of agencys ect are Jewish.
Many of the worlds billioniares who interfere with politics around the globe and push for open borders in every country except israel are Jewish
I'll stop there but these are just facts.

My point, throwing around racial slurs is wrong regardless of what group theyre aimed at because it insults entire groups for the actions of a few within that group. But on the other hand from the things I listed above there is a lot of fuel for critisizm and even disdain for the group in general. Nobody should be surprised at this.
Every group of people on the planet is fair game for critisizm and even racism. If it's aimed at Jews it shouldn't stand out more than any others.


Hiliary 2020
And that picture in Johans post is racist and insulting to Germans and Americans.
As if Trump voters want to put jews in prison camps when he gets elected.
If anything it might be the other way around considering people are already being jailed for words now. Words critisizing Jews.

Little thing to consider if anybody gives a fuck.
How did so many Jewish wind up in Germany in the first place?
Most came from Russia because under the Czars they were being treated badly.
No other country wanted them or would take them. Only Germany would take them in and they never had it so good, they thrived there.

In 1918 The Balfour Declaration written directly to the Rothschilds gave Palestine to the Jewish of the world. But no Jews wanted to go to live in the desert. They stayed where they were becuase they were doing great.
In the Mid 30's when the Nazi Party started putting them in Prison camps did anybody offer to take them? The US, England, France, Canada, Australia? No. Still nobody wanted them.
Hitler would have gladly let them relocate in masses but nobody wanted them.
Not theend of the story but I'll stop there. Just something to think about.

Jack Davenport

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Hold on. I'll get back to you. She absolutely said that and worse.


I have heard from others in the law enforcement community that she has other, more troubling quotes. People who had been on her protective details when she was in Arkansas have said she absolutely refused to enter Jewish homes because she had friends in the PLO and supported their bullshit. That was directly from a trooper who I met in Vegas twenty years ago. He had other shit to say about her. Nasty woman indeed.

I'm convinced pool_hustler is really Lanny Davis.


Be careful what you wish for, it might come true!

So you're asking me to believe one of Bill's former concubines, who was motivated by pure profit? No. Sorry. Can not do.
Every one of these Clinton "tell all" books has turned out to be shot full of holes, even to the point of becoming an embarrassment to their writers.

I have heard from others in the law enforcement community that she has other, more troubling quotes. People who had been on her protective details when she was in Arkansas have said she absolutely refused to enter Jewish homes because she had friends in the PLO and supported their bullshit. That was directly from a trooper who I met in Vegas twenty years ago. He had other shit to say about her. Nasty woman indeed.

I know people who know her too. The worst I've heard is that she can be bitchy, flinty and controlling. No surprise there. But I've never heard any tell of her being anti semitic, and certainly not insensitive to disabled children.

BC wrote: So I have to cite statistics but Johan can throw out that most Trump supporters are card carrying members of the Aryan Nations and I am the one that you challenge?

I wasn't in the mood to plow through the OP. But if it asserts that "most" Trump supporters are card carrying members of the Aryan Nation then obviously that's complete nonsense.


Less than 2,000 posts away from my free Freeones T-shirt.
I'm a Trump supporter and I don't hate anyone. Except for the one's that hate me----And You Know Who You Are!!!!

Jack Davenport

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
I don't hate anyone that doesn't break the law by crossing into the country illegally and within 10 months either sire or give birth to anchor spawn as a means to stay in the country and put a strain on our welfare system, educational and healthcare and legal systems.
can I stay inn the country
it is the inn place- I gave birth to an anchor ----

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