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The Official Jenniegbg Sorry


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
To admins and moderators of this site: I “think” I have the right to explain my self so that’s why I am writing this as a new thread…. This is gone way over line…
To all members of this board:
Hi. :)

Well I was feeling to write some words… We should clear out who I am and what am I doing here… I am writing this in Microsoft words so I hope my spelling will improve…

I am 24 y o named Jennie and I live in sweden, I am not a star as u can see the thing under my username… but thanks anyway… I am little different then most of You… How? Well the most of You are Guys and I am a Girl. and I have my own site thou.
I have noticed Freeones many years ago and but only as a free xxx site…. Later on I noticed this board… Well I didn’t notice that this board was that big! I mean whit so many stars… My favorite stars also… (Jesse)
The thing is I am Just a member of this board as many of you are. I am honored to be listed in J galleries of Freeones and honored to be member of this board.… I do not feel equal whit the other babes which are in freeones section and I am not. . I am just me Jennie 24 y o from swe. (for now)

This is how I see situation on this last 48h… There were some words that should not have bean on this board. Well this is how I feel: I feel I have offended LL and that is what I am sorry for really… And you are a way better User of this freeones board them me. I have written this many times… Well some of you think I should get banned (I do not care about this LR guy feel sorry for him) I am talking about you Users who are grate friends. Well I you feel you made that big mistake then Ban me for few days or ban me for life… I was very and I mean very sad the other night… Te thing is I understand now the power of CAPS its a little different from Bold. I was not screaming when I tried to make a point I was just marking the words which were impotent. And when I put the Ban him Sign… It really was just expression…

I am not someone who wants to pick a fight. I am really shy girl in real life believe it or not but that’s the way it is. And then about this spamming my site thing. Well the thing is I learned the meaning of spamming yesterday… I have never ever meant of spamming the board. Never ever have I even give it a thought. I have posted some threads and that’s all. I like funny picture section and sometimes I answer on the things in Freeones talk.

I do have respect for u all guys/girls I really have. I made a big mistake and this is how I feel about it. You rely made me cry. I could just let this go but u truly are grate people from all over the world. I do not want anyone to feel that I have offended them. To late for that for a moment. But If u are as Great people as I think u are. Show me thet You can take my Sorry as greate people as you are.

I will not comment any other thread about this … This is my Official Sorry….

And if u really think I am bad then ban me if you feel I am guilty. I was really having a good time on this board. But last 48 h were a pain…

Well that’s all Thx for 5 min of your time.

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Sexually Active Member
Awww isnt she cute !!.....Dont cry hunny bunny.


are you talking to me?
i'm sure most of the people here will forgive you Jennie, cos you are honest ;)


Reading this proves that you are a Porn Junkie.
Hey, don't get so down on yourself. We've all blown up and taken things out of proportion before. It is very big of you to apologize like this, too. Hopefully we can all just forgive and forget everything.


Sexually Active Member
Yeah,it hurts when pretty girls like you are sad...Smile for us babe =) .


Most definitely...

Honesty, humility, and forthrightness go a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way in my eyes.... and I have absolutely no idea what took place! I've been gone since Thursday night.


Don't let the ones who are criticizing you get you down. Hold your head high. For those who are running their mouths and bad-mouthing the threads, posts, or whatever, they need to take a good, long hard look at themselves before they cast judgments or aspersions on anyone else for having something to say... whatever it may be that was said. Opinions are like assholes... everyone's got one.

Besides... we all lose our cool once in awhile. As most of the Board members can attest, I myself have been rather blunt - VERY BRUTALLY BLUNT - with more than just a few people on here. I've lost my cool a few times... it happens. As long as you can openly apologize.... baby, you have my RESPECT.

Q :thumbsup:
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Ninja > Pirate
well, just like Qball i have no idea what exactly happened in the last 24 hours, but as my friend has mentioned before, we ALL had our hard times on this board.
it simply happens, and it's often based on misunderstandings - just like in your case, as you have explained in your post.

so don't worry, Jennie ! i'm sure that if those, who might have been offended by you, read this post, they will understand. especially LL, since she's not a resentful person, but very kind and understanding.

btw. you said that you feel you're not equal to the other "stars" on this board, because you're just a usual girl from Sweden... . well, i might be wrong, but i think that many of our "stars" here feel exactly the same way. and i also believe that many of them keep posting here because we tend to approach and talk to them like to a usual girl. you shouldn't feel uncomfortable with being a "star" on Freeones. i consider each and every female member of this board an enrichment of our community - whether famous or not. :hatsoff:


If FreeOnes was a woman, I'd marry her!
i don t know what has happened here the last 48 h as jennie says !

i think i ve lost some of the "action" but my opinion is that jennie has spoken from her heart!

and when a person asks for apologises in that way i d say she deserves the forgiveness and the love of all the serious people which participates in this forum!
for the no-serious i d say to them : "GO AWAY"

for conclusion i m sure that jennie is honest and innocent and has nothing to do with all this!

so give her a break and let s continue our nice and friendly "journey" into freeones!


LetoII said:
btw. you said that you feel you're not equal to the other "stars" on this board, because you're just a usual girl from Sweden... . well, i might be wrong, but i think that many of our "stars" here feel exactly the same way. and i also believe that many of them keep posting here because we tend to approach and talk to them like to a usual girl. you shouldn't feel uncomfortable with being a "star" on Freeones. i consider each and every female member of this board an enrichment of our community - whether famous or not. :hatsoff:


My two favorites always lift me up each time I come on here and see them... FoxyCougar and LadyLove.


Freeones is my God
Well said everybody,i agree,but can somebody explain what the hell went wrong? :confused:
Every time i come here on the board for the last few days,it all has to do with this....
And for the mods:is there a way to ban someone by the IP-adress?
If so than please ban the fuckheads and let the good times come back on the board...damn...there is enough shit going on in the world ...if people already are fighting in a Porn-messageboard,where does this then end????? :mad:

So kiss and make up,drink a beer :glugglug: and smile everybody :D



I eat, sleep, and live FreeOnes!
No mudwrestling match then? o_O :nanner:
So much weird stuff are going on here in the last few months. I have no problem with Jennie, she's a great girl and she just had a few bad days, just like anyone else here. So please don't go and i'm sure LL will come around... after all we got a date tonight ! ;) :tongue:
Don't let it get to you. People have been only too quick to canonize or demonize other members of this board in the past. We are all only human, and we all make mistakes at times in all walks of life. You have been honest with us, Jennie. Which is more than can be said about many other people that have used this board in the past.

You are a star to us, Jennie!

Cheeky. :)


If FreeOnes was a woman, I'd marry her!
I'll tell ya', all this is waaaay better than any TV drama or soap opera..


Penis enlargement pills made my dick grow a full 6 inches!
I have been away myself for a few days and missed the action. Anyway I just wanted to back up what everyone said here. This is a forum, everyone has his/her own opinion about things discussed in this board, sometimes we feel strong about our convictions and get upset with one another because they may not agree with us, I too would sometimes feel bad/annoyed when other people think my opinions are wrong but I let it go 'coz we are not here to fight one another, thats the beauty of freedom of speech.

nevertheless when someone gives an apology, that is a real big thing/hard thing to do and that person deserves to be forgiven.


Freeones is so HOT I want to have sex with it!
Cheer up Jennie... it will die down and be forgotten as all things are on the forums. Your post here shows what kind of person you really are and that's all that matters! :)

A lot of models don't post on forums for this very reason , among others. I know Ivy hasn't posted here yet because for a model to post among all the guys it's a 50/50 deal...some of your fans may be there but then again they may not and you can be judged very critically and unnecessarily.

Oh, and you are definately hot enough to do a shoot for freeones....maybe they'll reconsider in the future !




Well that took alot of guts to do, and I'm sure it was hard for you. Not many people on here apologize for their actions. I applaud you for that and sorry everyone was so hard on you. Myself included.

Peter Gazinya

A woman is an occasional pleasure but a cigar is always a smoke.
Don't know what happened but it doesn't matter, your apology seems much more important, not impotent, than anything that transpired. I agree also that you should not hold yourself in any lower regard than some of the "stars" on this site. I would however like to see "a little more" of you. Perhaps something involving a lack of panties, another chick, baby oil, maybe a wiffle ball bat. Shit, there I go again off on a tangent.