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What Was The First Video Game Console You Owned?


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Sega Master System

I got it in March 1988 for my 8th birthday

Before that we used to play on my father's Sharp MZ-800 but only under his supervision


Myth 1: Men want sex more than women
My family had the first PlayStation when I was young and always been a gamer since, but the first console I bought was with my first real wage was the Xbox one


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Nes (world cup soccer, vice project doom, Zelda)
Snes (smw, tons of others. Sales were plentiful and used games were great)
Ps1 (game shark! Ff8 is still one of my favorite RPGs. More the exploitable junction system, gf grinding and card game aspect)
Pentium 120 mhz (monster 3d 2, voodoo was the shat)
N64 (conker's bad fur day omg)
Dreamcast (piracy. Yus.)

And that sums up my retro stuff. Everything else is more.. "adult gaming", imo. Skill. Patience. Understanding the years of practice on earlier systems, etc)