Revenge Porn Site Owner Jailed For 18 Years

7 avril 2015, par Steve

‘Revenge porn’ distributors are finally seeing legal ramifications. This Web site owner will go to prison for 18 years. - Th

Kevin Bollaert, the founder and owner of revenge porn sites and, has been jailed for 18 years for forcing victims of the former site to pay as much as $350 a time to have their photos and personal information removed via the latter site.

It is a delightfully and surprisingly hefty sentence for Bollaert, with the feeling that he is being made an example of being justified by the probability that the webmasters of such sites will now think twice before replicating his actions.

The movement against revenge porn continues apace, it seems, with now 17 US states having laws in place that have criminalised such sites. 17 isn’t enough, of course, but one hopes that the steps against this appalling crime continue to grow.

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