California Activists Want State-Wide Condom Usage

30 avril 2015, par Steve

The Orange County Register might seem an unlikely place to find an opinion piece about why condoms should NOT be used in porn shoots across California, but that’s what this is.

The writer Elizabeth Nolan Brown surmises that forcing all male porn performers to wear condoms right across California, and not just in Los Angeles County, would actually cause the amount of STIs on porn shoots to rise in number.

She says that it will cause more low budget productions to spring up that will figure that just getting their guys to wear condoms will be enough to pass safety muster – but that’s clearly not the case.

Porn companies carry out much more rigorous checks without the need for legislation and self regulation is massively important here. These companies don’t want to see an industry shut-down – as they would lose a lot of money that way.

Good article, well reasoned – and let’s hope we never see that legislation is not made state-wide.

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