Water Treatment Plant Worker Fired For Porn Viewing

6 mai 2015, par Steve


A man from Baltimore has been fired from his job at a water treatment plant after it was discovered that he spent half of his shifts over a 2 week period watching porn, according to the Baltimore Sun.

This guy spent almost 40 hours over the time watching porn, which in itself does seem a little excessive. I don’t think I watched that much porn over the last 2 week period and I work for a porn site!

But what makes this guy a particularly special brand of dimwit is the fact that he didn’t even watch this porn on the internet. HE BROUGHT IN DVDS FROM HOME. Yeah, nice one, pal! Did you bring your Fleshlight as well? Might as well do this properly!

My respect for this dude could be regained, however, if it is revealed that when he walked out he shouted, “I’m too old for this shit!” Even if he was pretty young.

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