First Gaelic Language Porn Magazine Launched

7 avril 2016, par Steve


Image courtesy of Fliuch

There are some of you who are probably unaware of the existence of the Gaelic language, the native language of Ireland which is also spoken in some parts of Scotland.

So the news that the first Gaelic language porn magazine has been launched in Ireland won’t register even a ripple with many of you. However, in that part of the world it’s big news.

It’s not so much the language it’s being published in that is the issue here, but the country. A very stringently conservative and Catholic fearing nation, to see a porn magazine published in it at all is quite something.

Quite how ‘naughty’ the magazine will be remains to be seen, bearing in mind the above, and publishing a print porn magazine in this day and age is a risky investment at best. But best of luck to them!

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