Exclusive interview with Jannah Lynn

10 marzo 2008, di FreeOnes
Just Jannah So when was your first actual porn shoot?
Porn not sure if I’ve really done ‘porn’ hehe but my first nude shoot was for Playboy Magazine in 2004.

How was that? Did it feel weird or really good?
I was so excited and so nervous at the same time. It took me a while to warm up but by the end of the shoot I think I had it down. 🙂

What made you decide to do porn?
Well, I love being in front of the camera and teasing to please of course.

What’s your favorite scene?
My favorite shoots have been for Mystique Magazine and Phil Flash Media.

How did you choose your name within the industry?
Just came up with it.

Did or do you have a role model?
I’m my own role model. I want to be just like me just better and better. 🙂

How did your family and friends take it when you desided to go into the porn industry?
Most were very supportive.

Of course we want to know some personal information, what’s your favorite movie?
It’s always hard for me to say favorite. Maybe the notebook. That’s a great one.

Favorite food?
Anything I cook. I’m quiet the chef.

Favorite site? (And you don’t HAVE to say ours ofcourse )
Well DUH my site www.justjannah.com it rocks and is the BEST!

Are you close with your fans? And what do you do for them?
I am close with a few and they know who they are. 🙂 They do a tremendous amount for me and I try to spend as much time with them and do as much back as I can.

Do you remember your first kiss? And how do you remember that?
Yes it was in Middle school me and a cute boy meet behind the gym before school.

What did you do before you started to work in the porn industry?
I partied hard. lol

What do you do when you come home from work?
I normally clean, cook, relax. Normally mom and wife stuff.

Do you have an active personal sex life? And does your work effect this?
I’m married to my wonderful husband and we have a great sex life.

You have a favorite position or something you think someone really has to try?
I think different things work for different people lol.

What is your limit with making porn?
I actually don’t do porn I’m a glamour nude model. My limit is being nakied and beautiful. No touching genitals or anything.

Did you ever do something you now wish you didn’t do?
I think everyone has.

Would you prefer lesbian or heterosexual sex?

Is there someone you really enjoy working with?

What’s been your worst experience on the set?
My last Playboy shoot. They weren’t very nice or professional.

And the weirdest or funniest thing you experienced?
I dunno. We stayed in a casino once and I won some extra cash hehe.

Do you have any tips or advice to people who want to work in the industry?
Make sure you know what your getting yourself into and if what your doing is what you really want.

And the last question; We all want to know how you see yourself in the future. Any plans?
My main focus is my site now. I love to continue making it the best site EVER!

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