AIDS In Africa Untouched by Abstinence Education

6 marzo 2015, di Steve


As reported on ThinkProgress, a study has revealed that the $1.3 billion spent by the US government on encouraging abstinence and fidelity amongst Africans to stop the spread of HIV and AIDS has been a complete waste of money. What a surprise, eh?

If only there was some kind of invention that could, let’s say, be worn during sexual intercourse that would go a long way towards preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and allow people to continue their sex lives and exploring their sexual identities in relative safety.

If someone could hurry up and invent that, then that would be so cool. Then maybe the US government could spend $1.3 billion on encouraging people to wear this invention and also encouraging people to lead a happy sex life with whatever partner they chose, regardless of sexuality or gender.

But I guess I’m just being silly now, aren’t I?

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