Gay Porn Doesn’t Cause Plane Crashes

31 marzo 2015, di Steve

With the usual level of frothing-mouthed and leering hysteria that you would expect from a website that thinks things like #GamerGate are actually a good thing, Breitbart has delighted in reporting that Andreas Lubitz looked at gay porn websites.

The whole of the tragic co-pilot’s private life is now being exposed to the entire world with painstaking and disturbingly graphic detail – so why is there such a focus on gay porn in this instant?

Well because it’s porn and it’s such an easy target, as we’ve mentioned many times in this blog. But also, this time it’s even worse – because it’s GAY porn. So it’s doubly easy to blame because it allows websites like this to cloak their obvious homophobia in ‘serious issues’.

Of course, it should be pointed out that gay porn has never been medically proven to cause people to crash planes or any other modes of transportation. If someone could tell Breitbart, then that would be super awesome.

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