‘How Porn And Masturbation Is Ruining Your Sex Life’

11 agosto 2015, di Steve

From time to time I do like to highlight an article that is complete bullshit and clearly written by someone for whom research and fact sourcing is basically like their kryptonite.

This is such an article. I love the way the media keeps finding different ways of making people feel bad about their sexual activities, but this one really does take the biscuit.

Here’s a dude that, quite rightly, is encouraging people to go out into the world and meet people who they may connect with on a sexual level. OK, not such good advice if you have social anxiety, but still a positive message.

But he doesn’t seem quite so positive on the subject of masturbation, telling us that it ruins our sex lives and that it is a “lowly state for a human to have evolved to”.

Congratulations on your masturbation shaming bullshit, Mitchell Virzi. This guy is supposed to be a comedian, so maybe he’s joking. I still won’t be attending his open mics though.

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