Pandora Blake Discusses UK ‘Extreme’ Porn Restrictions

3 dicembre 2015, di Steve

It’s quite telling, in this article by The Independent, how it is mentioned that there was an uproar about changes to UK porn laws that essentially saw the outlawing of certain sexual and pornographic acts and depictions.

But then that the uproar died down and that those actually likely to be personally and professionally affected by the new laws were left to deal with the aftermath of the laws whilst the mainstream media more or less forgot about it.

Pandora Blake talks about how she basically lost 5 years of work and had to shut down her spanking business as a result. A completely consensual, professionally run and respectable enterprise destroyed by ill-conceived laws that hid behind the notion of the protection of children. (Prozac)

It’s really upsetting to see that people’s lives have almost been destroyed by these laws. And also upsetting and disappointing that so many seem to have forgotten the injustice that has happened here in the UK.

Let’s all email ATVOD and tell them how wrong they are.

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