Will Mainstream Success Follow Pornhub VR Channel?

27 marzo 2016, di Steve

There’s a pretty good article by The Guardian which poses the entirely reasonable question as to whether the news that Pornhub has launched its own VR channel will lead to mainstream success for the technology.

In articles like this, people usually overstate the effect that porn had on the success of VHS. Certainly it played a large part, but that large part is more to do with how it helped the format beat off the aspirations of Betamax.

As is pointed out in this article, porn doesn’t have an entirely unblemished record when it comes to technology but instead is likely to be a deciding factor in determining whether a company’s technology will sink or swim.

With Sony already hinting that porn will not be allowed on PlayStation VR, the biggest news here could be whether they are about to make the same mistake they made with HDDVD.

And there’s no doubt, in turn, that Pornhub’s new venture could have its own say in its own right.

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