“Kids As Young As 5” Being Exposed To Porn

29 ottobre 2016, di Steve

It infuriates me when I read this kind of thing.

Look. I’m not denying for one moment that there may well be 5 year olds out there, somewhere, who have seen porn – either accidentally or otherwise. I accept that.

But how is this the fault of porn? That is the fault of the parents who are allowing their kids to see it. Or schools that are allowing other children to show it to them.

As a father, if any of my children had seen porn at that age (and it’s more likely to happen to me even though I only work when they’re schooling or during evenings when they are sleeping, and they have no access to my laptop), then that is 100% my fault. It is not even slightly the fault of the porn industry.

If you leave a bottle of whiskey in the kitchen and your child finds it, has a swig and ends up drunk, then that’s not Jack Daniels’ fault. It’s yours.

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