Drexel University Overreacts To ‘Beadgate’

8 april 2015, door Steve


Above The Law reports that a professor who mistakenly sent a porn link to students is now under investigation from her university for her mistake and been suspended from her lecturing duties.

This overreaction is, unfortunately, not a huge surprise but the level of the overreaction suggests a complete lack of understanding from the faculty about what Professor Lisa McElroy has done.

She is being accused of harassment amongst other things. How is sending a porn link to some students by mistake in any way harassment? It isn’t. It’s a mistake. An embarrassing mistake that she will probably get sniggered at for the rest of her professional career, but a mistake nonetheless.

The fact that she has to live with that is surely more than enough. Punishing her professionally and once again demonising the use of porn is not even slightly necessary.

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