Porn On The Underground – Do You Do It?

9 de março de 2015, por Steve


This interesting article about the perusal of porn on public transport certainly got me thinking.

Obviously, you guys are all porn fans. Well, I presume you are. If you’re not then what the hell are you doing here?! So the odds are that you will have looked at some porn on your travels on your smartphone or perhaps even on a tablet or laptop.

Do you have any shame about it? Do you care if people see it? How does it make you feel if you see others doing it? I must admit that I have done some work on public transport but I’m always careful that if I have to look at anything, well, pornographic that I am sat in a place where no-one else can see it! The back of the bus is perfect for this.

But, erm, porn can have certain ‘effects’. And you can’t do….*that* on public transport. So exactly what are you getting from it?!

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