Kim Davis Made Massive Porn Offer By Dogfart

7 de outubro de 2015, por Steve


I’m pretty sure you know who Kim Davis is by now, but if you’ve been fortunate enough to avoid her in the news the last couple of months, she’s the delightful woman who refused to issue marriage licences to same sex couple in Kentucky. Something to do with the lord’s will, the usual bullshit.

It delights me to report that Dogfart have offered her $500,000 to appear in a same sex interracial porn scene. Of course, it seems rather unlikely that she will accept the offer unless that suddenly becomes the lord’s will too.

But from a personal point of view, there’s something quite fitting about the fact that Davis has to see her name alongside a company calling themselves Dogfart. I’m sure she won’t be at all happy about that, will she?


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