Are Cam Girls Misusing Vibrators?

14 de outubro de 2015, por Steve

I’m fortunate enough in this line of work to be able to have the time to read some genuinely fascinating articles about porn and sex work in general. I consider myself VERY fortunate to read this fascinating article about net-controlled vibrators.

You’d never think that such a subject could lead to such an interesting article but it certainly has in this case. The gist being that some cam girls may be faking the usage of such devices when they’re tipped during live shows.

To be honest, I agree with the writer in that I don’t care if they’re faking it or not. I can well imagine a lot of people getting angry that their money isn’t getting ‘real’ orgasms – but I’d have to say they’re idiots.

If they didn’t notice at the time, then they obviously got what they wanted out of the situation, didn’t they? Definitely worth a read, though, superb writing.


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