57% Of Pastors ‘Struggle’ With Online Porn

30 de janeiro de 2016, por Steve

This would appear to be the second survey I have seen in about a week which talks about the number of pastors who struggle with porn usage.

And I have to say that 57% is a pretty high number, all things considered. But living a comparatively cloistered lifestyle such as that, it’s hardly surprising that so many of them turn to online porn as a result.

In turn, 87% of them claim they feel great shame about their porn use, and again one has to ask if this should be the case. People should not be ashamed of such things, regardless of their religious affiliations.

Porn needs to be talked about in an open, free and adult way by the church and other religions. Otherwise people will be carrying this kind of shame for many, many years to come. And considering the amount of real and actual problems we encounter in our lives, why should we be burdened with an unwanted extra load of them?

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