Mumbai Residents Interviewed About Porn Ban

22. August 2015, von Steve

One thing that has been apparent throughout the fall-out surrounding the Indian porn ban is that very few of the people affected by the ban have been asked what they make of it all.

This article links to a video where an interviewer hits the streets of Mumbai asking people what they thought of the ban and some of the answers were pretty funny and illuminating to say the least!

Indeed, one dude muses that the ban has actually brought India and Pakistan, two nations who are traditionally hostile to one another, closer together after he witnessed Indian YouTube users receiving help from Pakistani commenters about how to circumnavigate the ban.

Porn can build a bridge! By the way, if this really was the case, then it certainly makes a change from the usual Indian/Pakistani comment exchanges you see on YouTube, especially if you watch ANY cricket videos. Not that you would, obviously, but some people like to….

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