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Israel Not Guilty According to Author of Goldstone Report


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement


Staff member
And still guilty of causing decades of suffering.

Perhaps I should use the reverse argument by saying Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Djihad and Al Aqsah Martyr Brigades guilty of terrorism and sponsorising terrorism during decades. Your arguments are weak and they can be blown off easily. You will always blame the Jews for the misery of the poor Palestinians. This is so typical of leftists especially in Europe.
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Staff member


Perhaps I should use the reverse argument by saying Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Djihad and Al Aqsah Martyr Brigades guilty of terrorism and sponsorising terrorism during decades.

And what exactly does any of that have to do with Israel's crimes? The answer is of course, nothing.

Like all of Israel's supporters your arguments are utterly incoherent and revolve around the same old desperate deflections, slimy little character assassinations and bullshit strawman arguments.



AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.


Retired Morgenmuffel
Bronze Member
It is strange how so many people judge the man as being corrupt. If you read about his back story, he does not appear to be.

And I tak eit that noone around at FreeOnes has insight on all of the paperwork about the proceeds that happened.

So we are just judging by what we wnat to believe, which is really not a good way to do it.

I may be wrong, but I believe that Goldstone is correct.


Staff member
And what exactly does any of that have to do with Israel's crimes? The answer is of course, nothing.

Like all of Israel's supporters your arguments are utterly incoherent and revolve around the same old desperate deflections, slimy little character assassinations and bullshit strawman arguments.


Everytime I read you, I can expect this kind of response from you. You haven't been as much long as I am on board, I have proven your leftist predecessors wrong several times. So don't get me started.
Israel crimes? What kind of fucking bullshit is it? :bs::lame: Israel has the whole right to defend itself against any terrorist attacks. You like any leftists and pro arab ass kissers are always ready to brush a nice pink portrait of groups and people like hamas, fatah, alqsah martyr brigades, bachar el asad, kadhafi, ahmadinejhad who are scummmy, full of shit and who have tons of blood on their hands. Unlike yours arguments which are uncoherent and which can blown easily, mine are logic and coherent. We know who you stand for.


Less than 1,000 posts away from my free Freeones T-shirt
And what exactly does any of that have to do with Israel's crimes? The answer is of course, nothing.

Like all of Israel's supporters your arguments are utterly incoherent and revolve around the same old desperate deflections, slimy little character assassinations and bullshit strawman arguments.


Yamma, yamma, yamma, yamma.


I don't think the G-spot exists!



In a statement to the Guardian, the three experts in international law are strongly critical of Goldstone's dramatic change of heart expressed in a Washington Post commentary earlier this month. Goldstone wrote that he regretted aspects of the report that bears his name, especially the suggestion that Israel had potentially committed war crimes by targeting civilian Palestinians in the three-week conflict.

The three members – the Pakistani human rights lawyer Hina Jilani; Christine Chinkin, professor of international law at the London School of Economics; and former Irish peace-keeper Desmond Travers – have until this moment kept their silence over Goldstone's bombshell remarks. But their response now is devastating.

Though they do not mention Goldstone by name, they shoot down several of the main contentions in his article and imply that he has bowed to intense political pressure.

They write that they cannot leave "aspersions cast on the findings of the [Goldstone] report unchallenged", adding that those aspersions have "misrepresented facts in an attempt to delegitimise the findings and to cast doubts on its credibility".

In their most stinging criticism, the three joint authors say that "calls to reconsider or even retract the report, as well as attempts at misrepresenting its nature and purpose, disregard the rights of victims, Palestinians and Israeli, to truth and justice". They point to the "personal attacks and the extraordinary pressure placed on members of the fact-finding mission", adding that "had we given in to pressures from any quarter to sanitise our conclusions, we would be doing a serious injustice to the hundreds of innocent civilians killed during the Gaza conflict, the thousands injured, and the hundreds of thousands whose lives continue to be deeply affected by the conflict and the blockade".

The four-person fact-finding mission was set up to look into allegations of war crimes committed by both Israel and Hamas during the war in which 1,400 Palestinians – at least half of whom were civilians – and 13 Israelis died. The Goldstone report concluded that some Israelis could be held individually criminally responsible for potential war crimes



Retired Morgenmuffel
Bronze Member

Thank you for the link to the full report. Damn, almost 600 pages.

I am reading this, maybe I will change my view after going through that.

I wish all off us woudl first read the actual report before going on and screaming and cussing so much without being in the know.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I wish all off us woudl first read the actual report before going on and screaming and cussing so much without being in the know.

That is NOT how the internet works. :nono: