The Violet Joy-Toy!

4 mars 2010, par Vanessa


Vanessa Montagne has a new best friend!!! It`s not just because he fits perfectly well to her metallic outfit, it`s the best toy she ever had. And she didn`t even chose it by myself – it was a present from a good friend. Unexpectedly she got a message from customs to come and get a package. So she went there. Hey – she`s a woman and she`s curious. Usually they make her unpack packages, but this time she was allowed to leave immidiately. So she opened it in the car outside. What a shame – she would have loved to see the guys`faces, holding her new toy in hand…. Vanessa raced home to unpack it competely – the first test: Wow. Ok – she said that more often 🙂 So come in with me now and watch Vanessa Montagne on: Violet Joy – it`s a pleasure.

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