Sasha Grey Still Very Much Alive

19 février 2015, par Steve


There was a minor panic earlier this week when a Russian social media website reported that the former porn queen Sasha Grey had been murdered – on a Ukrainian battlefield.

The gruesome and slightly disturbing obituary claimed that she had been captured by pro-Ukraine forces before being raped and murdered with an axe. Needless to say, she took rather a dim view of this news, issuing an angry rebuttal where she revealed that she was very much alive.

There does seem to be a slightly sinister twist behind this ‘news’. Rather than being another moronic ‘Chinese whispers’ social network story where some idiot starts a rumour that someone is dead, this one seems to have been started by pro-Russian bloggers having a shot back at the star after she appeared to back pro-Western demonstrators in the troubled former Soviet republic.

But no, she’s still alive and kicking, so fans of hers can rest easily again!

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