Regret Nothing- Erotic Story

23 mars 2023, par admin-fx

The following erotic story comes from user JillDoe69. Both her and her husband take off to a friend’s birthday party and… things happen. Check out the excerpt below!

My husband and I was invited to a friend’s birthday party one weekend and the days leading up to the party I was talking with a few of my friends talking about what gifts and such we each had planned for our friend on his birthday, our friend Carl starts laughing and saying something about how we needed to get Paul a blowjob for his birthday because Paul wasn’t a normal brag about it kinda guy and everyone was always trying to set him up or get him laid and all that. We talked about how none of us would be up for paying some hooker to blow Paul on his birthday and thats when Carl says, no not some random girl and definitely not a hooker because paul wouldn’t go for that so my friend Lisa asks Carl who he had in mind for this and that’s when he turned to me with this big smile, points at me and says you Jill, you do it for him.
At first I was a bit embarrassed and said no way I could do that and talked about how my husband would be there and I just wasn’t feeling it. Things calmed down and we got back to exchanging ideas back and forth when Lisa asks me, are you sure you don’t want to do this and she reminded me of how he used to have this big crush on me and how he gets shy and nervous when he’s around me.

As we talked more about this, in my mind i was feeling a bit odd because I admit he is a cool good looking guy and he has had a thing for me for a while now which I also admit is really cool. After going around in circles with ideas i spoke up and started asking questions on what to do about my husband, because he was definitely going to be at the party and I didn’t want to get busted I didn’t want to get close to being busted doing this so the plan needed to be rock solid.

The guys said that they would grab my husband and drag him out to the garage to talk cars while I took the birthday boy and gave him his gift and Lisa would help out if needed. I took in a deep breath and couldn’t believe I was doing this but the thrill of it all and my friends help I was secretly excited about this and found myself wondering about how it would all go down and hopefully Paul didn’t just out right refuse for some reason I mean he is friends with my husband so there was a chance Paul wouldn’t have any of it.

Finally the night of the party at home getting ready to leave with my husband he asked me if I got Paul something for his birthday that I should tell him that it was also from my husband which made me almost burst out in laughter, imagine a girl giving you an amazing blowjob and she looks up at you and says, oh and that’s also from my husband. I half expected that my husband would hear something from someone about this anyway but so far so good my friends and his friends kept quiet about it, thinking about that now its a bit shady but oh well now huh? (

I decided to wear something super sexy a bit see thru and made a point to leave the bra at home and thats another thing I thought for sure my husband would flip out about but he told me I looked sexy and away we went to the party.

After getting there we made our way saying hi to people and talking to our friends. Lisa came to me and grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen where a few of our friends was waiting for me and we went over everything 3 more times. Lisa and I walked into the living room where the birthday boy was talking to my husband, Carl came up and started talking to my husband and asked him if he’d like to see his cars in the garage to which my husband just about ran to do because he’s a big car collector and lover.

Lisa and I was left talking to Paul wishing him happy birthday and asking him what all has happened to him for his birthday if his family got him anything or was planning anything for him and after about 10 minutes of talking I start thinking to myself about this and wondering to myself why I didn’t feel nervous or bad I was actually feeling a little more excited then I even thought and Paul still had no clue I mean he could have said no and I was wondering to myself how id feel about that? Is it rejection? Or would it be Paul not wanting to fuck over his friend my husband. Lisa tells Paul, your going to love what Jill got you for your birthday and of course his face lit up a little with curiosity and he asks, oh yeah what is it? And Lisa started talking before me and she says, well its more of a group idea gift of sorts, Jill wanted ideas she tells him and a few of us gave her an awesome idea. He smiles and says oh cool cant wait to see what it is. Lisa smiles and says well your about to find out.

Want to find out what happens next? Read the rest of the story on the FreeOnes Forums!

18 vues
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