Exclusive interview with Rayveness

3 giugno 2010, di Petra

RayvenessAdult star Rayveness gives an exclusive interview to FreeOnes where she answers some very interesting questions about what it’s like for her working in the adult industry…

What brought you into the porn business?
At first it was to pay the bills, then once I found out how much fun it was I stayed in porn.

Did you do anything else before you started in this business?
I worked as a flower girl selling roses in bars and night clubs.


Do you do anything else on the side?
I sing, songwriter, dance and do philanthropy work.

Do you have any regrets about this career path?
Yes, I will never get a record deal because I do pornography.

Do your family and close friends know what you do?
My whole family know what I do and they support me on it. Not the actual job itself but that I have a career and stuck with it for 20yrs. Being an independent woman not asking for a handout.

Are there any actors or directors/photographers that you particularly enjoy working with?
I love working for MIke John, Brandon Irons, Kevin Moore and Barrett Blade.

What’s the best part of your job?
Meeting so many new people
The worst?
The personal hygiene of some of the performers I work with.

What’s the strangest thing you’ve been asked to do on the set?
Put a dildo in a wine glass and use it as a stir stick for champagne
Did you do it?

What’s the most embarrassing thing to happen while you were working?
starting my period during a scene

What was your first porn movie/magazine?
June 19, 1990 Homegrown Video, and I got the cover of LIVE GIRLS, in 1994

Onto the stuff about you! What gives you goosebumps?
To hear someone sing and hit a beautiful high note and hold it for a long time.

Name a talent that not many people know you have.
I raised $22,000 (by myself) for the chatsworth fire dept to buy them a thermal imaging camera.

Do you have any pets?
A 7yr old dog. whipitt/pittbull mix

What are you wearing at this very moment?
A red and white striped shirt

Are you girly or are you more of a tomboy?

Would you rather have a great dessert or great sex?
A great dessert

What’s on your iPod right now?

What was your first car?
Nissan 240 SX stick shift

Where do you want to visit but haven’t had an opportunity to do so yet?

Do you have any future ambitions?
To build a non-profit music school for at risk youth

Is there anything else you would like your fans to know about you?
I wish I knew my fans better

Click here to visit Rayveness on FreeOnes!

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