Metro to Produce Sabrina Deep Fan Bang

2 september 2010, door Petra

Metro Media is giving fans of “The Queen of the Gang Bang” Sabrina Deep a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have sex with her on camera.

Sabrina Deep







In 2007, Sabrina Deep broke the world’s record for the largest gangbang ever broadcast live on webcam, where she had sex with 77 men in eight hours.  The event was a birthday present to herself. ( On September 25th, Sabrina will invade Southern California for the first time with over 40 of her fans for her latest ‘Fan Bang’ to be streamed live on the internet at  as well as produced into a DVD to be available later this year.

In preparation for the gang bang, Sabrina will be appearing on live cam at on Thursday, September 16 and Friday, September 17th from 7-11pm EST to field questions, take applications, and play on cam for her incredible fans. Anyone interested in participating in this event is encouraged to learn more and sign up at

Click here to visit Sabrina Deep or read the full Sabrina Deep review!

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