Playboy To Go ‘PG-13’

13 oktober 2015, door Steve


In a move that is not massively surprising, Playboy have announced that their iconic print magazine will now no longer feature full nudes.

Like I say, it’s not really a surprise. Playboy’s print sales, much like the print sales of the majority of publications out there, have been plummeting and recently Penthouse owner Larry Flynt surmised that the print version of his magazine had maybe a year left in it.

However, one of the reasons given for Playboy dropping full nudity, as highlighted in this New York Times, is very odd to say the least. Playboy chief executive Scott Flanders claims that nudity is ‘passe’.

No, Scott. It isn’t. It’s just a lot easier to find it online rather than face the embarrassment of handing over a copy of a nudey magazine in the newspaper shop. Come on, dude, you can do better than that.

Either way, it really is the end of an era and it’s amazing this isn’t garnering more publicity. Let’s just hope Playboy doesn’t degenerate into something horrific like FHM as a result.

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