Old Nick Resigns From University Post

15 de março de 2016, por Steve


Image courtesy of Enterprise News / Metro

Metro reports that Nicholas Goddard has resigned from his post as lecturer at the University Of Manchester after it was revealed he had shot dozens of hardcore porn movies during his 35 year career in academia.

Known in porn circles as Old Nick, his identity was revealed several weeks ago, and although the university did not formally suspend him or fire him, he has taken the decision to step down.

In a recent interview he pointed out that nobody seemed to have a problem with porn at the university until they discovered that he had shot some movies and, really, he’s quite right.

Hopefully we will hear more from him in the coming weeks as, although his career in academia may have come to a somewhat acrimonious ending, I’m sure he has some pretty interesting stories to tell about the crossover of his careers.

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