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Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius charged with murder after shooting girlfriend dead


Roid Rage?

• Illegal steroids ... were reportedly found in the South African home
Steroid drugs were found at Pistorius’s home together with evidence of heavy drinking
• That’s why police have specifically ordered that he be tested for steroids


Is this how Blade Runner 'murdered' his girlfriend? Final moments of model's life turned into grisly CARTOON by South African paper as her brother urges Pistorius: 'Tell us the truth'

* iPad belonging to Miss Steenkamp was reportedly found on bedroom floor

* Officers who searched the house are also reported to have found steroids

* Blade Runner 'accidentally discharged' his gun at restaurant in January

* Model's mother demands answers saying 'Why would he kill my angel?'

* Reeva Steenkamp, 29, had been dating Oscar Pistorius since November

* Miss Steenkamp's brother Adam calls for Pistorius to tell the truth

Police investigating the killing of Oscar Pistorius' girlfriend are now focusing on her iPad after it was found on the bedroom floor - and his possible use of steroid drugs.

As the Blade Runner prepares to face court tomorrow, the mystery of Reeva Steenkamp's final moments deepened after they were depicted in a controversial 'cartoon' strip in South Africa.

The bizarre images suggest the model was shot in the hip in Pistorius' bedroom before being attacked and seeking refuge in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet seat.

Today Miss Steenkamp's brother Adam, 36, called for the truth, telling reporters that the only person left alive who can say what happened is Pistorius.

Cartoon: A graphic cartoon strip has been published depicting the last moments before Oscar Pistorius allegedly shot his girlfriend dead

Cartoon: A graphic cartoon strip has been published depicting the last moments before Oscar Pistorius allegedly shot his girlfriend dead

This morning it was revealed that steroids were reportedly found at Blade Runner's luxury home where he is accused of murdering his girlfriend.

Police are investigating if Pistorius may have shot Miss Steenkamp in a fit of so-called 'steroid rage' - an explosion of aggression caused by performance-boosting steroids.

'Steroid drugs were found at Pistorius’s home together with evidence of heavy drinking. That’s why police have specifically ordered that he be tested for steroids,' a source told The Sun.

This morning the South African Police Service refused to respond to the claim, but sources close to the investigation had previously told a local paper that the steroid rage was one line of enquiry and that the star's blood was being tested for drugs.

Miss Steenkamp, 29, was shot four times early on Thursday at Pistorius’s luxury home in a secure housing estate on the outskirts of Pretoria.

Today City Press, a South African news website, published a colour graphic of what it believes unfolded at Pistorius’s home.

It shows a female silhouette throwing her hands in the air as she loses her balance while a male character, purported to be Pistorius, points a gun at her.

It also apparently depicts a blood-spattered cricket bat at the foot of the bed and shows bullet holes through a bathroom door.

The final scene shows the male figure carrying the female down the stairs with her arms and legs flailing loosely.

Police have rubbished speculation that Pistorius – who is known to have kept a pistol by his bed and a machine gun at his bedroom window – may have mistaken his girlfriend of three months for an intruder.

Miss Steenkamp's iPad was found on the bedroom floor - and this is now being checked by investigators along with her both her and Pistorius' phone for any clues about her death.

Some in South Africa have speculated about the nature of Miss Steenkamp’s friendship with the South African national team rugby player Francois Hougaard, and whether this played a part in the tragedy.

Today the South African Times cited sources close to the police investigation as saying that social media messages including ones from Mr Hougaard might form part of the prosecution’s evidence at Mr Pistorius’ bail hearing at the Pretoria Central Magistrates tomorrow.

Across Twitter Mr Hougaard communicated with Miss Steenkamp before her death, and retweeted a picture of them together with friends after she died.

The 24-year-old was keen to distance himself from such reports at the weekend. His agent said: ‘This whole sad ordeal has got nothing to do with him.’

This morning it was reported that Pistorius accidentally discharged a gun in a busy Johannesburg restaurant - and nearly hit his friend's foot.

The Paralympic star visited a branch of the South African restaurant chain Tasha's with group of friends which included girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in January this year.

According boxer Kevin Lerena, who was also part of the dining party, Pistorius was given the gun by someone else in the group.

He was examining the weapon when it suddenly went off, Mr Lerena claimed.

'I got a huge fright, because the bullet hit the ground just centimetres from my foot', Lerena told South Africa's Beeld newspaper.

He went on: 'I must emphasise that the gun belonged to one of Pistorius' friends - I'm not going to mention his name.

'Oscar just wanted to look at the gun, and it sort of snagged on his pants, releasing the safety catch.

'A shot went off. I wouldn't call him negligent, it was just an accident. He apologised to me for days afterwards,' Mr Lerena reportedly said.

The restaurant's manager Jason Loupis has said that he heard a 'loud bang' but that when he went to investigate, everyone on the table denied it was them.

'I went to investigate when I heard the shot, but they all denied it,' said Mr Loupis.

Mr Loupis said he did not inform the police as he could not be certain that a gun was fired.

Reeva Steenkamp will be buried tomorrow - the same day Pistorius appears before Pretoria chief magistrate Desmond Nair for the start of what is expected to be a two day long bail application.

Mike Steenkamp, who speaks for Reeva's family, said: 'For now, we are just focusing on getting over the funeral ... on getting this part of the difficult journey behind us.

'We're trying not to think about Oscar or the court appearance. We have deliberately not watched TV or listened to the radio. We just don't want to think about it. We want to blank it all out and focus for now on the here and now,' he said.

Reeva Steenkamp's heartbroken mother has spoken of her pain for the first time and said that she wants 'answers'.

'She had so much of herself to give and now all of it is gone', June Steenkamp told a local newspaper, 'just like that, she is gone ... In the blink of an eye and a single breath, the most beautiful person who ever lived is no longer here.

'All we have is this horrendous death to deal with ... to get to grips with. All we want are answers ... answers as to why this had to happen, why our beautiful daughter had to die like this?'

Reeva Steenkamp's flatmate Gina Myers, refused to comment on her friend's relationship with Pistorius.

However she echoed the call for 'answers', saying: 'We want the truth to come out ... everyone to be honest about what happened'.

South African police believe Pistorius may have beaten his girlfriend with a cricket bat before shooting her.

Yesterday it emerged that detectives are reported to have recovered a bloodied bat from the Paralympic champion’s bedroom and to have established that model Reeva Steenkamp’s skull had been ‘crushed’.

This and other evidence – a smashed bathroom door, a 9mm pistol, the peculiar pattern of wounds on the body and reports of a row earlier in the evening – is said to have led them to believe the murder case against the sprinter is ‘rock solid’.

Prosecutors have formally charged Pistorius with premeditated murder but the Blade Runner’s family say he firmly denies such a charge.

Pistorius is understood to have hired a heavyweight team of experts which include private detectives a pathologist who will conduct their own investigation into Miss Steenkamp's death.

Yesterday it emerged that he called his close friend Justin Divaris shortly after the killing – reportedly before the emergency services were alerted – and told him: ‘There has been a terrible accident, I shot Reeva.’

Mr Divaris rushed to the house, where he said Pistorius repeatedly told him: ‘My baba, I’ve killed my baba. God take me away.’

While no officials would comment publicly on the case, a disturbing – though disputed – picture of what may have happened in Pistorius’s home started to emerge.

Neighbours have said they heard shouting coming from the house at around 1.30am. There were some suggestions, quickly denied, that the row may have been about Miss Steenkamp’s friendship with a rugby player.

At around 3.20am, four shots rang out – apparently not all at once. The first person Pistorius called was his father Henke, 59.

When he arrived, he allegedly saw his son carrying his nightie-clad girlfriend down the stairs.

She had been shot in the head, hip, arm and hand. Pistorius – and later paramedics – struggled in vain to save Miss Steenkamp’s life.

When the police inspected Oscar’s bedroom, they found Miss Steenkamp’s overnight bag and iPad on the floor and the bedclothes were crumpled.

'It was clear that both of them had slept in the bed,' a police source told City Press.

Police reportedly found the bloodied cricket bat in the bedroom.

The en-suite bathroom door was riddled with holes, a pistol holster was found by Pistorius’s bed and a gun cartridge was on the floor.

South Africa’s City Press quoted an unnamed police source as saying: ‘The suspicion is that the first shot, in the bedroom, hit her in the hip. She then ran and locked herself in the toilet.

‘She was doubled over because of the pain. He fired three more shots. She probably covered her head, which is why the bullet also went through her hand.’

The source said police are carrying out tests to establish whose blood is on the bat.

While one scenario is that Pistorius attacked Miss Steenkamp with the wooden bat, it has also been claimed that the model may have used it to defend herself.

A third possibility is that Pistorius used it to break down the bathroom door. Those close to Pistorius have suggested that he may done so in a bid to ‘save’ his dying girlfriend.

Pistorius's father, Henke, has defended his son by attacking the way the incident has been reported.

'There is something fundamentally wrong with our society. We build people up into heroes, who overcome immense challenges, only to take great glee in breaking them down', he told South Africa's Times newspaper.

'I want to say this: We are realists, not fools. This is not going to be easy but Oscar is strong beyond his years.'

According to this theory, the athlete first shot Miss Steenkamp by accident, whereupon she fled to the bathroom. He then shot at the door lock to try to get in, accidentally killing her.

Pistorius’s father appeared to suggest it is this version that he believes.

While he admitted that he had not talked to his son in detail about what happened, he said he had ‘zero doubt’ that the sportsman thought Miss Steenkamp was an intruder.

A more likely defence from Pistorius is to acknowledge that there was a row but that he did not intend to kill her.

Some in South Africa have speculated about the nature of Miss Steenkamp’s friendship with Springbok rugby player Francois Hougaard, and whether this played a part in the tragedy.

The 24-year-old was keen to distance himself from such reports at the weekend. His agent said: ‘This whole sad ordeal has got nothing to do with him.’

Last night Pistorius’s agent said he had withdrawn him from all planned races but insisted his sponsors were sticking by him.

The tragedy has also cast fresh light on Pistorius’s apparent attraction to danger and weaponry.

As well as owning a pistol and machine gun, at the time of Miss Steenkamp’s death he reportedly had seven outstanding firearm licence applications.

One was for same type of assault rifle used in the recent Sandy Hook school massacre in the US.

Pistorius, who was charged with premeditated murder at a court appearance on Friday, spent the weekend in a police cell ahead of a second hearing planned for tomorrow at which his lawyers are expected to ask for bail.

Police say they will oppose the request.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ice-reveal-taking-steroids.html#ixzz2LH339GYP
this is what media's say, what your own opinion, outta the media, what if it get's confirmed he was right and she was wrong? you never know.
it's sad for her death, she was fine and good, but i still believe here is a good reason and i believe it's not all oscar's fault.

Short of self-defense or defense of another there is NEVER a good reason to kill someone. NEVER. If she fucked every other human being on planet and accused Pistorius of having a small dick on national television and called his mother a stupid cunt while pissing on the American flag and burning both the Bible and the Qur'an... still not a valid reason to shoot her a bunch of times.

wow, how rude.....

Seriously? ... Seriously!?

I know that freedom of expression is guaranteed under the first amendment, but you don't get to call people rude anymore. Way too damned much hypocrisy.

oh, yea right, oscar is an asshole and she is an angel, he was a dick, and she did it right.
he gotta be burned alive for this!!!

Tell me this isn't sarcasm... you suggested a dead woman should have suffered. Your reason? She (you think) cheated. If this is sarcasm, my God. This guy murdered her. Either with malice (as it's starting to appear) or via gross negligence (and stupidity). If you're going to sarcastically deride others for suggesting this guy needs to be held accountable after what you said then by God man, you need therapy like a motherfucker because you are not well.
Short of self-defense or defense of another there is NEVER a good reason to kill someone. NEVER. If she fucked every other human being on planet and accused Pistorius of having a small dick on national television and called his mother a stupid cunt while pissing on the American flag and burning both the Bible and the Qur'an... still not a valid reason to shoot her a bunch of times.

Seriously? ... Seriously!?

I know that freedom of expression is guaranteed under the first amendment, but you don't get to call people rude anymore. Way too damned much hypocrisy.

Tell me this isn't sarcasm... you suggested a dead woman should have suffered. Your reason? She (you think) cheated. If this is sarcasm, my God. This guy murdered her. Either with malice (as it's starting to appear) or via gross negligence (and stupidity). If you're going to sarcastically deride others for suggesting this guy needs to be held accountable after what you said then by God man, you need therapy like a motherfucker because you are not well.

she's dead, he's going to prison, end of story....sadly.
having my own opinion doesn't make me need therapy dude, accept that not everyone thinks like you, freedom of speech, remember?


Closed Account
u haven't been in oscars place to see and feel it. i am sure he had a good reason for that. however he's screwn his own life already, what a waste.

Seriously you are encouraging murder??? WTF man, you don't murder someone because they cheated on you. You aren't in a movie


Torn & Frayed.
Can we stop calling this fucking whackjob "Blade Runner" now? What a waste of a great nickname.....
Seriously you are encouraging murder??? WTF man, you don't murder someone because they cheated on you. You aren't in a movie

i don't encourage murder at all, that's why am saying he screwed his life for good, i say he messed up his life for a bitch, it's never worth killing, even if they might be the worse bitches.
let's get straight, i feel sorry because oscar did a stupid thing and don't support what he did, just am saying that reevkamp or whatever was a bitch.
maybe he just could have kicked her outside the house, and everyone see the true face of her, believe me, maybe might have been sarcastic, but don't support murder at all.

Blade Runner's hopes of getting bail soar after prosecution admits embarrassing blunders and courtroom laughs at bumbling policeman

* Investigating officer says boxes of 'testosterone and needles' found

* But prosecution later forced to admit tests not yet carried out on drugs

* One of series of errors made on second day of Pistorius's bail hearing

* Prosecution says witness heard shouting and shots being fired on the same night Reeva Steenkamp was killed

* But warrant officer Hilton Botha says witness lives 600metres away

* Prompts laughter in court by saying world famous athlete could be a 'flight risk' and try to flee South Africa if he was granted bail

Paralympic star Oscar Pistorius's chances of winning bail appeared to increase dramatically today after an embarrassing series of blunders and confusion in the prosecution case.

Just hours after the police officer leading the murder hunt told the athlete's bail hearing in Pretoria that the performance enhancing drug testosterone and steroids had been found at his mansion home shortly after the killing of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, prosecutors changed their story.

In a humiliating U-turn, a spokesman for South Africa's National Prosecution Agency said there had been an error in the evidence of detective Warrant Officer Hilton Botha when he identified the substance found in the 26 year-old's bedroom.

Boxes of 'testosterone' and needles were found at Oscar Pistorius' home where he shot girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp dead after 'non-stop' arguing, a court heard today

Investigating officer Hilton Botha had to correct himself in court after initially saying steroids were found at the home of Oscar Pistorius. He then said it was testosterone but prosecution later admitted the drugs have not yet been tested

Medupe Simasiku said it is too early to identify the substance as it is still undergoing laboratory tests.

In fact, no results of any forensic tests from the scene of the killing had been given to investigators.

There had been gasps in court when WO Botha, a policeman for 24 years and the first officer to arrive at the Pistorius house on Valentine's Day following the shooting of the 29 year-old model and law graduate, and prosecutors claimed testosterone had been found together with needles.

Discovery of the sports drug could potentially have brought questions over the star's achievements at London 2012 where he became the first athlete to compete at an Olympics and Paralympics, winning two gold medals and a silver.

At one stage, the detective supposedly providing the key facts to keep Pistorius in custody had agreed with the defence lawyer that police had no evidence challenging the runner's claim he accidently killed his girlfriend in a bathroom, believing it was an intruder.

Police accuse Africa's most famous sportsman of premeditated murder, a charge he emphatically denies.

WO Botha left prosecutors rubbing their temples, only able to look down at their notes as he misjudged distances and acknowledged a bungling forensics team left in the bathroom toilet bowl one of the bullets fired at Miss Steenkamp.

The second day of the bail hearing in a case that has riveted South Africa and much of the world appeared at first to go against the double-amputee runner, with prosecutors saying a witness can testify to hearing 'non-stop talking, like shouting' between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. before the predawn shooting on February 14.

However, WO Botha later said under cross examination that the person who overheard the argument was in a house 600 metres away in Pistorius's gated community in the suburbs of South Africa's capital, Pretoria.

Later, prosecutor Gerrie Nel questioned the detective and acknowledged the distance was much closer.

But confusion reigned for much of his testimony when at one point WO Botha said officers found syringes and steroids in Pistorius' bedroom.

Mr Nel quickly cut the officer off and said the drugs were actually testosterone.

Defence lawyer, Barry Roux, asserted when questioning the detective that it was not a banned substance and that police were trying to give the discovery a 'negative connotation.'

'It is an herbal remedy,' Mr Roux said. 'It is not a steroid and it is not a banned substance.'

WO Botha had claimed examination of the model's body and the bathroom door Pistorius fired through suggested he had been had been wearing his prosthetic legs - directly contradicting the athlete's claims that he was on his stumps and fired believing an intruder had broken in.

'I believe that he knew that Reeva was in the bathroom and he shot four shots through the door,' the detective told the court.

As details were released from Miss Steenkamp's post mortem showing bullets hit the right side of her head, her hip and right elbow - resulting in a broken arm, Pistorius lent forward sobbing and muttered prayers, the muscles straining on his neck.

In apparently damning evidence aimed at countering the athlete's case for bail, WO Botha said he viewed the man who won two gold medals and a silver at London 2012 as a 'flight risk' pointing out he had not used any of the four telephones found at the house to call police and claiming his family had been searching for a memory stick containing details of off-shore bank accounts.

But amid confusion, Mr Roux began to pick holes in the prosecution case with the officer forced to acknowledge that the witness who allegedly overheard the argument was 600 metres from Pistorius' house at the Silver Woods complex on the outskirts of Pretoria. He later changed this to 300 metres.

Police 'take every piece of evidence and try to extract the most possibly negative connotation and present it to the court,' Mr Roux told magistrate Desmond Nair.

There was even laughter in the court during an exchange between Mr Nair and WO Botha with the magistrate asking the officer about his belief that if granted bail, Pistorius would flee South Africa.

Addressing WO Botha and prosecutor Gerrie Nel, Mr Nair said: 'The accused before court is an international athlete, paralympic athlete, he uses prosthesis on both legs.

'I'm sure we would both agree that his face is widely recognised internationally. Do you subjectively believe that he would take the opportunity, being who he is, using prosthesics to get around, to flee South Africa?'

WO Botha responded: 'Yes.' Security in the court stopped the laughter in the court.

The magistrate raises his eyebrows.

WO Botha protested: 'I believe for someone facing 15 years to life, I would make a plan to get out and go somewhere, with the finances he has.'

Mr Nair said: 'And if he were to flee, he may opt for a country with no extradition agreement with South Africa?' 'It's possible,' the officer replied.

Mr Nair pressed him: 'But do you think it's possible that a person who has won Olympic golds would want to forsake his career when he has a chance to prove his innocence in a court of law?'

'Your honour, imprisonment is no joke,' the officer said.

The exchanges appeared to lift the spirits and hopes of the Pistorius family sitting in court that the bail application might be successful, their dark mood during the initial stages of prosecution evidence changing to one of relief and smiles as they left court.

Earlier, Mr Nel said the killing was premeditated because Pistorius took time to put on his prosthetic legs before the shooting.

He projected a plan of the bedroom and bathroom for the courtroom and argued Pistorius had to walk past his bed to get to the bathroom and could not have done so without realizing the Miss Steenkamp was not in the bed as he claimed.

'There's no other way of getting there,' Mr Nel said.

WO Botha said the holster for the 9mm pistol was found under the side of the bed on which Steenkamp slept - also implying it would have been impossible for Pistorius to get the gun without realizing that Miss Steenkamp was not in the bed and could have been the person in the bathroom WO Botha said he wanted Pistorius charged additionally with a weapons violation after unlicensed .38 calibre ammunition was found at the house.

Mr Roux asked the officer if Miss Steenkamp's body - she was wearing white shorts and a black vest - showed 'any pattern of defensive wounds,' and the detective said it did not.

WO Botha said the shots were fired from five feet, and that police found three spent cartridges in the bathroom and one in the hallway connecting the bathroom to the bedroom. He admitted police had initially missed finding one cartridge.

Police also found two iPhones in the bathroom and two BlackBerrys in the bedroom, he said, adding that none had been used to phone for help. Pistorius had said that he called the manager of his guarded and gated housing complex and a private paramedic service.

Mr Roux countered Pistorius did make calls, including to the guards of the housing estate. In one case, he said, a guard could hear Pistorius crying.

'Was it part of his premeditated plan, not to switch off the phone and cry?' Mr Roux asked sarcastically.

Screaming heard coming from the house was Pistorius calling for help from his balcony, not Miss Steenkamp, the lawyer said.

Leaving court , the athlete's brother Carl Pistorius said : 'I feel like the court proceedings went well. We trust that everyone has more clarity about this tragic incident.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...mits-embarrassing-blunders.html#ixzz2LU3HRFaP

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/fo...op-shouting-gunshots-fired.html#ixzz2LU57dOYa


Official Checked Star Member
i don't encourage murder at all, that's why am saying he screwed his life for good, i say he messed up his life for a bitch, it's never worth killing, even if they might be the worse bitches.
let's get straight, i feel sorry because oscar did a stupid thing and don't support what he did, just am saying that reevkamp or whatever was a bitch.
maybe he just could have kicked her outside the house, and everyone see the true face of her, believe me, maybe might have been sarcastic, but don't support murder at all.

Wow, she was a bitch? Surely they're gonna call you to testify, since you knew her so well.


Closed Account
i don't encourage murder at all, that's why am saying he screwed his life for good, i say he messed up his life for a bitch, it's never worth killing, even if they might be the worse bitches.
let's get straight, i feel sorry because oscar did a stupid thing and don't support what he did, just am saying that reevkamp or whatever was a bitch.
maybe he just could have kicked her outside the house, and everyone see the true face of her, believe me, maybe might have been sarcastic, but don't support murder at all.

Have you notice that his statement for why he was shooting has nothing to do with your statement? Wasn't because she was a "bitch", he claims there was an intruder and he thought they were in the bathroom and shot. I think his statement is b.s. because if someone is in the bathroom the last thing you think is intruder. They should do a cat scan of his brain to see if he is mental stable because I don't think he is.
Have you notice that his statement for why he was shooting has nothing to do with your statement? Wasn't because she was a "bitch", he claims there was an intruder and he thought they were in the bathroom and shot. I think his statement is b.s. because if someone is in the bathroom the last thing you think is intruder.

Maybe he has some of that really expensive three-ply toilet paper. You'd obviously want to protect an investment like that...
Wow, she was a bitch? Surely they're gonna call you to testify, since you knew her so well.

i don't know but what if that comes true? i know nowadays medias have become judges, but come on we still don't know. i have a belief that oscar did the biggest mistake in his life, there was something about it. he wouldn't kill her for no reason


Official Checked Star Member
i don't know but what if that comes true? i know nowadays medias have become judges, but come on we still don't know. i have a belief that oscar did the biggest mistake in his life, there was something about it. he wouldn't kill her for no reason

Media didn't call her a bitch. You did.
You stamp pregnant pornstars as child abusers, you call murdered women bitches, then of course you are a porn consumer...what are you, a Taliban? A banned gladyator?