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'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerusalem


Lord Dipstick
Re: 'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerus

I'm sorry....I don't have an answer. :facepalm:
Re: 'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerus

yeah i'm confused.
we give israelis billions every year and palastinians hundreds of millions?
wtf's up with that?

You give the Palestinians money to rebuild the homes/streets that Israel destroys in their rocket attacks yet also give Israel money to buy the very same rockets, you're basically throwing money into a vicious circle and Netanyahu just laughed in Obama's face when he simply asked him to stop building settlements in occupied land, Netanyahu knows you'll always give them money no matter what you say. Why not say right none of you fuckers get a cent till you stamp out a deal, see how quickly Netanyahu comes running back to the negotiating table. He would love Palin as President as she's stupidly already pretty much said she'll support Israel no matter what (so the money will keep rolling in), the US President or any hopefuls should never make such assurances and should be feared by world leaders who need to work at getting their approval, not 'I've got Israeli flags all over my desk' :facepalm:

Uly, Do you really think that she's gonna be the conservative nominee, really?:1orglaugh
You Americans have a habit of surprising us, the fact she still has any sort of political career is worrying enough
Re: 'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerus

Uly, Do you really think that she's gonna be the conservative nominee, really?:1orglaugh

You Americans have a habit of surprising us, the fact she still has any sort of political career is worrying enough

I would add "Uly", if it were up to 'conservatives' probably not...but it will be up to GOPers ...the same lot who's extended her 15 minute fame game into now the 4th overtime.

From the article this pearl;

In Saturday's speech entitled ‘My Vision of America’ she also said: ‘Free people in a free country don't wage war on another country. I want peace on Earth.’

She must have slept through Bush's invasion of Iraq.:dunno:
Re: 'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerus

She must have slept through Bush's invasion of Iraq.:dunno:

she sure seemed to have a firm grasp of the Bush Doctrine.

She is fascinating when you can look at it as the culture of American sociopaths (we have a lot) and how this monster is fed and nutured.

I hope she runs because there is nothing worse than the outsider critic never venturing or putting their ass on the line but are never far from participating as a cynic with no investment.


Hiliary 2020
Re: 'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerus

You give the Palestinians money to rebuild the homes/streets that Israel destroys in their rocket attacks yet also give Israel money to buy the very same rockets, you're basically throwing money into a vicious circle and Netanyahu just laughed in Obama's face when he simply asked him to stop building settlements in occupied land, Netanyahu knows you'll always give them money no matter what you say. Why not say right none of you fuckers get a cent till you stamp out a deal, see how quickly Netanyahu comes running back to the negotiating table. He would love Palin as President as she's stupidly already pretty much said she'll support Israel no matter what (so the money will keep rolling in), the US President or any hopefuls should never make such assurances and should be feared by world leaders who need to work at getting their approval, not 'I've got Israeli flags all over my desk' :facepalm:

You Americans have a habit of surprising us, the fact she still has any sort of political career is worrying enough

and that's the big question, why does the us support israel so much?
nobody seems to know.
Re: 'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerus

To be fair, Philbert didn't seem to know either.


In memorial of ol' Philby I'll post what we all know him to be thinking right now...
:mad::mad::ak47::ak47::cussing::cussing: :violent::cussing::violent::cussing::cussing: :crash:
Re: 'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerus


In memorial of ol' Philby I'll post what we all know him to be thinking right now...
:mad::mad::ak47::ak47::cussing::cussing: :violent::cussing::violent::cussing::cussing: :crash:

Every time I come back, an old reg is banned or an old banned reg is back. The next generation of Freeoners will have no guidance nor gumption. :(


Re: 'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerus

Because it's become very fashionable to believe the "Palestinians" are the "oppressed" people and that Israel is a big, bad meanie.

Man, I hate agreeing with Palin on anything because she's an airhead, but on this one, I do agree. It's easy for people to sit in the US or Europe and criticize Israel on a daily basis, but put them in a small country surrounded by people who would LOVE to see them dead and I bethat tune changes quickly. :cool:

I don't have the time to walk you through over 60 years of ethnic cleansing and land theft. All I can do is give you a taster:

Israel's Indiscriminate Attacks Against Civilians in Lebanon

Israels attacks against civilians during Cast Lead
Lebanon Complains to U.N. Over Kidnapping of Lebanese Shepherd
Israel abducts two (more) Lebanese shepherds near Rmeish
Settlers break 11 year old boy's horse's neck in front of him
GOA report finds Israel conducts most aggressive espionage campaign against the US out of any other country and illegally transfers American weapons technology to other states

Investigation finds evidence of executions (including an American citizen) aboard Mavi Mara

The report reveals that Dogan, the 19-year-old US citizen of Turkish descent, was filming with a small video camera on the top deck of the Mavi Marmara when he was shot twice in the head, once in the back and in the left leg and foot and that he was shot in the face at point blank range while lying on the ground.

The report says Dogan had apparently been "lying on the deck in a conscious or semi-conscious, state for some time" before being shot in his face.

The forensic evidence that establishes that fact is "tattooing around the wound in his face," indicating that the shot was "delivered at point blank range." The report describes the forensic evidence as showing that "the trajectory of the wound, from bottom to top, together with a vital abrasion to the left shoulder that could be consistent with the bullet exit point, is compatible with the shot being received while he was lying on the ground on his back."


124 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 1,452 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and 24,813 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967. (View Sources & More Information)

1 Israeli is being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 5,935 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel. (View Sources & More Information)


Without extensive reading you won't hear about the decades of war crimes at the hands of the Israelis or what goes on in the west bank on a day to day basis, especially if you rely on the MSM for your info. There are countless books documenting Israeli atrocities, many of them written by Israeli scholars and millions of websites with the relevant info.


Re: 'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerus

Because it's become very fashionable to believe the "Palestinians" are the "oppressed" people and that Israel is a big, bad meanie.

You don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about, as usual.

The United States should be apologizing for having Obama as president. Think about Obama as a pro Arab president.


Straight from the horses mouth- Israeli ambassador to the US Michael Oren describes Obama:

* President Obama has led the global effort to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

* President Obama’s leadership (and coaxing) has produced an international coalition that INCLUDES China and Russia who have implemented unprecedented sanctions against Iran, which, according to conversations at the Monday reception, appear to have caught Iran off-guard

* President Obama and his team are spending more time on this issue than almost any other issue facing our country today

* President Obama and our Congress have provided Israel with every cent (and then some) of foreign assistance requested by Israel

* President Obama has restored Israel’s QME (qualitative military edge) which had been neglected for the last 8 years

* President Obama is the FIRST American leader to say – in an Arab country (Egypt) that the Arab world must recognize Israel as a JEWISH state and in a support of Israel’s legitimacy to affirm the –quote- “unshakeable “ bond between the USA & Israel

* President Obama & team played a critical role in leading a UNANIMOUS vote to include Israel in the OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development). The vote was 31-0 admitting Israel to this prestigious organization

* President Obama has dispatched leaders of the Joint Chiefs to Israel not once, but four times already in his less-than-2-years in office ( before that the Joint chiefs had not been in Israel for YEARS (not once during the ‘last’ administration)

* The Obama administration has integrated US missile technology into Israel’s expanding missile shield. NO OTHER AMERICAN PRESIDENT HAS DONE THIS.

* The Obama administration continues to fund development of ARROW-3, Israel’s advanced long-rage, high-altitude system for countering Iranian ballistic missiles

* President Obama asked Congress for $205 million dollars for Israel’s IRON DOME rocket defense system (which will reduce incoming rocket threats from Hizbullah in the north and Hamas in the south…) – this request is IN ADDITION TO the $3 BILLION budgetary request for Israel’s security assistance!

* And my personal under-the-radar item; the Obama team’s clever input to re-wording the Gaza blockade language which not only garnered international support for Israel (and a promise not to condemn Israel if Gd forbid there is another flotilla incident) BUT effectively thwarted several pending flotillas in Mediterranean and Persian Gulf ports… that simply became the boats-to-nowhere!

* And last, but surely not least, (and listed in this basic order by Ambass. Oren) the Israeli-Palestinian conflict negotiators are sitting as we speak at a table together – talking. Who knows what the result will be….but talking is the only way to get anywhere. And it is a giant step in a positive direction.



Re: 'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerus

^^^ Anyone who is expecting anything close to a good guy/bad guy scenario in this part of the world needs to take off the rose colored glasses. Both the Israelis and Palestinians have their existence and identity on the chopping block. This will lead to very unfortunate circumstances. And any of us, as individuals or as a population would be capable of the same things.

One thing I know, Palins brand of McNugget politics is never going to help a damn thing in a conflict this entrenched. She can only make it worse.
Re: 'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerus

She arrived in Israel yesterday after a stop in India, wearing a large Star of David.

She went on to tell Danon that she had flags of Israel 'on my desk, in my home, all over the place'.
"all over the place" huh Sarah??

The only thing all over the place when it comes to Palin and Israel here is her pandering. You could find reading glasses less transparent.
Re: 'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerus

You don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about, as usual.

Go fuck yourself, and when you're done (it shouldn't take long), read some history older than the last 60 years. :cool:
Re: 'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerus

Only one question to the Republicans in the US: is this woman the solution to all the problems in international relations, which wait to be solved?

This is such a no-talent show that it is almost horrible. Send Kermit or Miss Piggy: these puppets have more brain than the former alaskian governor...

If the Republicans really have to rely on political personal like her it is an intellectual surrender...

It is so embarrassing to see and to hear how she comments different things. Apparently she has the tendancy to overact and exaggerate, like: "she had flags of Israel 'on my desk, in my home, all over the place' or: "that U.S.-Indian relations were ‘key to the future of our world.’

Her comments on China are ridiculous. Sure, China is controlled by a brutal cold-blooded regime. And yes: it is investing in its military. But, that it would launch an offensive in the next few years is really ridiculous. Where does Palin think the money comes from, with which China finances their economic power: from the West. If China would attack the West or one of its allies in Asia, like Japan, it would hurt its own economic basis. And to be honest: the next war China is going to fight, does not have to be fight with military weapons. War could be fight on the basis of currencies...

I do not think, that Palin will start a pres. campaign, because i'm sure, she knows that this is too big for her. But if she is gonna do it, this will be a race which nobody will forget....


Re: 'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerus

I do not think, that Palin will start a pres. campaign, because i'm sure, she knows that this is too big for her. But if she is gonna do it, this will be a race which nobody will forget....

Well, we're just talkin', and I'm not launching at you but, after giving examples of what an over the top loon she is, how do you give her credit for being grounded in reality? The bitch is insane and there's no telling what she will or won't do from one moment to the next.
Re: 'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerus

the republicans are not gonna go with her against obama, I think they know better.

no they dont

you can lead a horse to water but you cant make em drink

the country of isreal is every bit the trouble maker that Sadaam was

we need to cut ties with them
Re: 'Why is Israel apologising all the time' Sarah Palin on whistlestop tour of Jerus

You Americans have a habit of surprising us

Yes. Bush's second term comes immediately to mind :anonymous
But had the election been a year later he'd have probably gotten stomped.

the fact she still has any sort of political career is worrying enough

Thankfully it's worrying to millions of us too.

and that's the big question, why does the us support israel so much?
nobody seems to know.

It's the only western style democracy in the Middle East.
They have done our dirty work for us more than once in that region, and chances are at some point they will again.